Dreamtime Healing

Holographic Kinetics
An Advanced Aboriginal Healing Modality
Holographic Kinetics Testimonials
Frances E
I hope this email finds you well.
I'm very interested in joining you to train in holographic kinetics and I'm based in Wales, UK. Do you have dates in mind yet for the UK?
Myself and my family have experienced the amazing results your team has achieved and the positive impacts this has had on our lives, our home and the land on which we live.
I look forward to hearing from you and learning from you this year!
Frances E
Marilyn B
Hello Surrogacy Team,
Thank you for the changes you've brought into my life.
The first thing I noticed was after my visit to the surgeon. Walking into the room to see him and not anxious at all. That was great.
The second thing was having visitors for lunch and not feeling that I hadn't done enough to please them.
The side benefit is that I've lost 6kg in weight. Told my son Adam about this and he said he always loses weight after he's been to a session. That really amazed me.
The blood clots in my leg no longer spoil what good things I have in my life. I'm happy again and look forward to the years ahead.
Many thanks to you all.
Hi Steve
hope you are well,
we took a surrogate session for a thirteen your old who was suffering from anorexia.
She was in critical care unit, on deaths door.
She is now up and riding a toy bike around in the hospital and able to go home in a couple of days!!
She told her mum she had never felt like she was in her body before, like it wasn't hers- and now she does .
It was caused in this life by a grandparent calling her mum fat whilst she was in the womb, and him also calling her names whilst she ate, so terrified/upset she 'didn't want to be here' - thus interdimensional access
and a past life in Africa where she died starving.
Cleared all this trauma on all levels and dimensions and re-created a life full of abundance, and a love for food and her body.
So brilliant to see such an immediate turn around, all the hospital staff cant believe it and all the relatives, friends etc are all in ore.
I am so grateful to learn this modality and the powerful healing work it does.
thank you, Steve and the Originals, for your deep understanding of the universe and for giving me the tools to really be able to assist people on their path to heal, as I have always so wished to do.
love and respect Carley
Testimonial J (name kept private)
23 years old.
Hi my names J and here is my testimonial for Holographic Kinetics.
A bit about me, I grew up with a lot of alcohol and violence with bad things around me. I couldn’t handle what was happening around me. I couldn’t control my emotions and get violent towards my family and lash out. I ended up setting fire to my room which resulted in the house burning down.
I was then removed from that home to another family members home.
In the new home they also struggled with my behavioural issues, then I was drinking and was violent again. Didn’t want to listen to anyone, had a problem with authority. Got too much, had to be placed in independent living.
Once in independent living I struggled, was very violent, would punch walls, didn’t want to listen to authority. This then resulted in me being kicked out of the program and had to leave the environment due to the safety concerns of those around me.
From there I then moved in with my friend and her family and had come across Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics.
Since I had my Holographic kinetics sessions I no longer get drunk, don’t get violent, got my learners licence, now have a job, feel good around authority, helped me connect back with my spirit and now I know if an issue surfaces I can come down and clear what’s coming up which is a big change for me. I’m off all medications for depression, anxiety, sleep.
I’m very appreciative where I’ve come from to where I am now.
The biggest change for me is definitely the violence, and the alcohol.
My name is Brian,
I am currently a serving member of the Police over in a small Island of Samoa. I was born on the Island, but I grew up in Brisbane, Australia, from the year 1997 to the year 2019. And I welcome you on this beautiful journey I am about to share with you on my walk to recovery with Steve Richards dream time healing using holographic kinetics.
About 9 years ago I was working alongside a great team of hard working men at a roof tiling manufacturers company. That same year I had plans to join the Army in May 2014 after having tried 3 years to loose the weight and finally one step away from getting in.
I had always wanted to join the Queensland Police Service as my ultimate career goal. I thought if I had joined the Australian Army, serve 4 years then transfer over to policing I would have accomplished that goal.
But unfortunately, I had an argument with my girlfriend at the time and crashed my car on my way to work on March 10th 2014 where I sustained a lower back and leg injury and at one point I was placed in a wheelchair which made me believe I wasn't ever gonna walk again.
At that moment I was trapped with the thought of not having a future by the external thoughts of others saying I'll never have a normal life which made sense to me because I was in excruciating pain. Pain and medications lead me to overeating and gaining weight. I was no longer motivated to do anything for myself getting comfortable with my medical condition.
In 2014, that same year, I had joined a pentacostal church seeking a miracle to change my life around. But felt intimidated by the expectations of the church on how to live my life. I was frustrated and angry for letting myself go feeling down and depressed with my physical appearance with thoughts of committing suicide.
I met a girl friend through another church in 2014 who committed suicide in 2015. I ended up in Mental Health a couple weeks later because of how much it hurt me that my friend had taken her life and I had the ripple affect of wanting to take my life too. My pain and frustrations, hate and insecurities destroyed me.
I was discharged from the mental health facility numerous times in the years to fill with medications that numbed my brain without fixing or having a proper solution to fixing my problems. I would self harm smashing a bottle over my head cracking my skull when I got angry. I’d bash my face against the brick wall in the hospital requiring me to be put in a straight jacket.
It wasn't until I had a doctor's review with one of the treating doctor's at the Caboolture Mental Health back in 2019 when I stood on the scales and I weighed 151.10 kgs to be precise.
I was emotionally disturbed about it and after that appointment I drove to Hungry Jacks to buy me something to eat for comfort. I was furious when I got around to the drive through because I had forgotten my bank card at home. I drove away feeling ashamed and embarrassed. Heavily medicated and not knowing what I was doing I drove passed a gym and stopped. I could hardly get out of my car but knew I had to get inside to lose this weight. I collapsed on the lounge and the gym manager said he will call somebody.
In walked Kalka. He shook my hand and said you better come into my office. I was not expecting him, but I trusted him. He told me to lay on the floor and asked if he could give me a healing session to assist in clearing my issue. I agreed.
When he finished I stood up, it was amazing.
Immediately I felt lighter my head was so clear. I asked him if I could hug him and he allowed me. Since that day my family had been amazed at my changes.
He told me it’s not over and for me to do a follow up session.
As part of protocol I had to go back for a further review at the hospital and the Doctor said they wanted to put me on a further 3 months mental health program. I declined.
I told them about the session I had with Kalka.They further questioned me and were astounded at the outcome.
They contacted Kalka and released me from Mental Health. Kalka did a further session on me regarding my sexuality and weight. No longer do I feel like taking my own life. I can speak freely on who I am. I am calmer and very happy.
Returning to Samoa I applied for the Samoa Police and went on with my life to give back to the community, then had volunteered as a masseuse and had a job offer to work alongside some of the greatest athletes through SASNOC as a CDM's Assistant, doing massages and having athletes GAME READY for the 2022 Saipan Pacific Mini Games and the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games.
My application for the Samoa Police Services had hatched, and without hesitation, I jumped and followed through and successfully became a Samoa Police Constable. My dream is to work my way back to Australia and serve in the Queensland Police Service.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the universe for bringing light back into my life where there was darkness and introducing me to a Steve Richards Dream Time Healing using holographic kinetics.
k. L
I had a space clearing done on my room after I moved into some very cheap university accommodation. After I moved in I quickly realised the whole complex was full of drugs, alcohol and violence. I'm a HK student, so I know how to stay in control, even with all kinds of games going on around me so I simply observed what was taking place for a long time. Eventually all the chaos wore me down and I caught myself reacting and getting sucked in. Morayfield surrogacy team did the space clearing. Tom warned me that he didn't know what the outcomes might be for those around me. They had forces in them manipulating them, which often come through drug use, especially harder drugs like ice, which was everywhere. Tom advised me that no matter what happens, stay at point zero and only observe. Our unit was actually the place where all the drugs were often distributed from. The main culprit had already been evicted but the individual who replaced him and the other tenant in there were his best buds so he still had unlimited access to the unit and thus, his distribution centre. We had a whole range of people come through the place, over a dozen regulars. I avoided most of the parties and drama by going to work, travelling or visiting friends and family. The unit was just a place to sleep and shower. Immediately after the session, one of the tenants from another unit arrived on our doorstep at 4am, literally eviscerated, his insides tumbling out. My room mate drove him to the hospital where I'm told it took them all day to put him back together. He hasn't been back. His blood stains are still visible down the three flights of steps from our unit. Next big thing that happened was a fight that took place in our unit. There was a woman involved with two men. It seemed to settle okay but a few days later she returned, off her tree, and smashed every visible window on the unit, as well as every single car window of anyone who had anything to do with my room mate. My car and my room were untouched. Blood and glass everywhere by this time in the week but my space was perfectly undisturbed. Then the former room mate who got heavily involved with the ice and drugs actually died and things slowly calmed down around the complex. I still had one room mate involved in drugs. His room got raided one night when nobody was home and he moved out shortly after that. It was a wild ride but the space is now clear, quiet and peaceful. This was an interesting session because we only had the authority to clear my room, not the whole unit, but it still had a significant effect. I would love to hear Steve explain the metaphysics of this whole situation. Clearing the space seemed to drive all the interdimensional forces into a frenzy! The amazing thing is how much I achieved in my life while all this was going on around me. Trust your spirit. Thank you Steve Richards and your amazing organisation Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics. This organisation has changed my life in countless ways and taught me so much about how to navigate this world.".
Gail Guttridge
I would like to share my experience with HK,
I was subjected to Child Abuse and Domestic Violence by my Family, until recently. I was allowing my Mother and Sister to control me, I was like a puppet on a string, doing everything I could just to get their love and support. To them, I was always to blame, it was always Gail's fault, and my sister could do no wrong. My mother gave all her love, attention, affection and support to my sister. It was like I didn't exist.
I experienced chronic symptoms of anxiety and depression. I had ingrained beliefs and patterns of behaviors, and ongoing exposure to triggers (via my family) impacting my capacity for significant improvement. I also felt persistently sad, angry, and irrational in my behavior. Being a perfectionist, it was easy for me to get into strife with others. I also turned to alcohol to numb the pain. I lacked self-esteem. I had a very poor opinion of myself.
I was living my life in fear, anger, hurt and frustration trying to get their approval. At 22, I was labelled by a psychiatrist and physiologist with severe recurring depressive disorder and severe anxiety. I was heavily medicated (controlled) with Antidepressants and Antipsychotic medication for 37 years.
I was introduced to HK in August this year, after 2 sessions the changes I was experiencing were very positive. I realized this is actually working where no other healing helped. I then completed a HK course at Morayfield in September this year.
I am no longer taking any medications. I am in control of my own engine and my own mind. The welcomed comments I have been receiving are "you have done a 360" your anger is gone.
I can now say, I love myself and who I am, and that I am beautiful and in charge of my own engine. I make positive choices, Life is fantastic. The positive changes in all aspects of my life are euphoric. Thank you, Spirit, Thank you, Universe.
A big thank you to the practitioners Tom, Kylie, Kalka, Nicole, Helena and Tanya.
to Lisa, I thank you for taking such good care of me, with your warmth and kindness. I was very nervous, and you noticed. You made sure I felt very welcome and comfortable.
Also, I made new friends at the course, which I am grateful for. Some sharing similar interests.
The biggest thank you goes to you Steve, for creating and teaching Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics. For me, it's HK all the way.
Kind regards and with respect,
Gail Guttridge
Hello Nicole and the Team,
I am writing to give you an update on Noah since the clearing session.
In the first few days following, we experienced a very tumultuous time between us, but I had the feeling of things getting worse before they could get better.
On around the 10th day after the session, Noah got in to bed with me in the morning for a cuddle and was telling me she loved me - this behaviour, which was very normal for her previously, had not happened in a very long time! I knew something had shifted from that moment. And true enough I feel like I have my little girl back to her sweet self. Even my Mum friend's have commented how much more engaged she is in conversation, bright eyed and happy.
She has been singing, dancing, laughing, doing her drawings, back to her creative self with her artwork, engaging with her friends and the list goes on. She even asked me to organise playdates, she voluntarily tidies up her room, helpful with me and around the house, all the out of character behaviour is gone. Our connection is restored.
I am also feeling much lighter and brighter in the house, no more feelings of overwhelm and hopelessness.
EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED for the better and I am so grateful to you all, to Steve.
Thank you all so very much.
post in The Official.. 6-Year old This session was done on a little 6-year-old boy by Amber Hopkins, and myself at the HK Practice here in Noosa Hinterland. Testimonial is written by the mother 3 weeks after the session: I was in a state of desperation and despair when I met Ela. My six-year-old son Luke was out of control, chaotic, and unpredictable, and his behavior was getting worse. I had tried a range of conventional and alternative treatments and therapies, including dietary changes, all of which had had no effect. After using Holographic Kinetics to address three issues for Luke, the change in his behavior has been profound. Luke is now very happy, calm, and present. The sessions were life-changing, not only for Luke but for our whole family. I cannot thank Ela and Amber enough for their service. -Natalie Thank you to Steve Richards and Lisa Marie for teaching this powerful knowledge so that we can assist people to make changes in their lives. I am feeling so grateful for the teachings and to be able to assist. If you're interested in having a session or learning this for yourself, you can reach out to practitioners close to you and you can speak to Steve if you're keen to learn this modality. www.holographickinetics.com".
I want to thank Steve and the amazing surrogate team in Australia for all of their assistance in facilitating my healing. I am sharing some details here about my recent session with them here, because I think awareness around this is important, so others don't fall into the same trap.
Jammie K
I recently attended an "ecstatic dance" that I have attended in the past and was jumped by interdimensionals. Even though I knew I was under attack starting the next morning, I was brought very low and even had thoughts of ending my life come into my head and would immediately tell my Spirit that it wasn't my thought and to not allow anything to enter my field. It was awful, like a war on my thoughts, emotions, feelings about myself and my relationships with others. Through a session with the surrogate team, I found out that there is an entity associated with the name "ecstatic dance" and that if you enter that game, you are opening yourself up to be taken over by it even if all you do is dance and even if you set intentions and a torus field and tell your Spirit to not allow anything into your field beforehand (what I did/do before being around large groups of people). These dances are worldwide and I even started one locally this year. Some include "cacao ceremonies" and meditation, though the one I went to did not, but it did have an opening circle at the beginning which was translated as a ritual by the surrogate team. The surrogate team assisted me in removing the Cause of the effect of me wanting to go to ED and partake in that ritual and they removed a collective of interdimensionals from my field.
I hope this post helps others avoid this particular game and the potential turmoil that can come from it. Without my awareness obtained from the teachings of Steve and HK training, this experience could have passed as my own issues and very easily could have led to suicide. That's how bad those almost 3 weeks were.
Not only did they use thoughts related to issues I had been currently experiencing, but they brought things up that I had healed recently with the help of HK. They also made me feel extremely isolated and like I couldn't talk about it with even my closest loved ones. I even got very agitated and felt more isolated as a few loved ones who are also trained in HK offered words of encouragement.
I closed my dances by that name and do not plan to attend anymore of those events even though I loved going a lot. There really are so many traps set right now. This was an eye-opening experience for me and important one, so that I would stop going to those events and stop holding them as well. I can only imagine the damage people have suffered that was unknowingly being caused by that entity.
My head was clear and calm and I felt lighter immediately following my session. Thank you to Steve, Tom, Nicole, Kylie, Helena, and HK for your assistance! I highly recommend the surrogate team as they have greatly helped me and my Spirit heal. 💓
K - Australia
Just checking in to update you on JJ. His issues have completely gone. He is happy and he has made friends at pre school where before he would push everyone away. He is laughing and just generally happy. He isn’t annoying the people around him anymore and doesn’t give off a negative vibe. He verbalises if he is angry and tells people if they are doing something he doesn’t like. He isn’t using toileting Inappropriately or as a way to manipulate and control situations. He comes to me for hugs and says “I love you” regularly and is always looking for ways to connect. I honestly can’t believe it…. I haven’t even got the words to express my gratitude. A couple of months ago I was having conversations with his case worker about whether I could continue with the placement because his behaviour was so challenging to deal with. Now I enjoy having him around and everything is going really well. I can’t thank you enough Thankyou
A big thank you and acknowledgement to Steve Richards and Lisa Marie for teaching this wonderful knowledge Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics on how to assist people from anywhere around the world. Thank you to the HK team Helena Turner , Kylie Barr , Nicole Holmes , Kalka Mitchell at Morayfield shopping centre and all involved.
Mother of Malakai
"My son Malakai is 18 months old. When he was 11 days old he was hospitalised for a week with RSV. Since 11 days old my baby suffered constant ear infections. He struggled travelling in a car without screaming and cupping those ears. Daily he would pull on his ears to the point they would bleed. He was on constant antibiotics.
My son also had a few episodes where he would have respiratory problems. His last respiratory problem put him in hospital last week for 4 days and had no signs of improving.
On day 3 of being in hospital Malakai had a surrogate HK session. That morning malakai was hooked up to oxygen as his oxygen levels were low. I begged the nurses to shower my baby as it was a few days since he last showered as they wouldn't let me as he wasn't well enough. The nurse told me I would need to be quick and he wouldn't be able to be off oxygen no longer than 5 mins. My baby had a shower and enjoyed himself. When he came out he was surrounded by family and playing and was a totally different child. Malakai did not need to go back on oxygen during that day, he only required it for 2.5 hours that night. Tom messaged me about 1pm on Saturday to see how Malakai was going. I explained to Tom how Malakai picked up about 11am Saturday morning. Tom proceeded to tell me they started his healing session approximately 10:30am that morning. I was amazed how fast things turned around for my toddler. Thank you spirit
I also have noticed Malakai hasn't been pulling or cupping his ears like he use too.
A big thank you and acknowledgement to Steve Richards and Lisa Marie for teaching this wonderful knowledge Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics on how to assist people from anywhere around the world. Thank you to the HK surrogacy team at Morayfield shopping centre and all involved.
I had a HK session with Natwah and received so much positive change from it. I booked to address a few issues in my life that I could see as a repeating pattern such as depression. I have tried psychologist sessions and other alternative modalities before but still felt stuck in the same place. I didn't know or understand the source of the issue, which did not matter as Natwah helps uncover where it first began (it could be from a childhood trauma, from birth or from a past life experience). I found HK a very safe, gentle and profound modality that uncovers and clears the core of any repeated unwanted pattern in your life. I was amazed by the big changes I made in my life after the first session. I changed my career and moved across the state working in a remote indigenous school which was a dream I thought I didn't have the confidence to do before the session. I feel I have more power and purpose in my life that I had not felt before. I had let go of fears that had blocked me from making the life I desired to create. It is such an insightful practice that reveals the threads in life that we create at a subconscious level and has given me the awareness and drive to live consciously. I am very grateful for Natwah's professional skill and experience as a healer HK practitioner and highly recommended to all.
Thanks so much x
The first time I experienced vertigo was about 10 years ago. After several tests the Doctors found nothing, their last option was to try the Epley maneuver and I was then diagnosed with having Vertigo BPPV.
Over the years when Vertigo is triggered, if the manuever did not work all I wanted to do was lie on my side in bed and hope and pray it went away as quickly as it came. I could be in bed all day and night. I was limited with my everyday functions, at home, at work, at gym and not being able to go out socially. It made me emotional and depressed that I could not live my normal life. Recently after 4 weeks of experiencing vertigo daily, I had a session by Kalka with Steve Richards Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics.
Kalka took me back to find out what traumatised me, what triggered vertigo.
As a one year old I was cared for by several family members because my mother was unable to look after me and work at that the same time. Wanting my mothers presence and her motherly comforts as I was carried away to board a plane, I was confused and always looking around for her.
Kalka then took me back again and asked me what could I change in that moment of time.
I see my mother, I know it was just as hard and sad for her to let me go because she had to work. My mother is holding me, I am looking at her face and I feel her love. I know what she is doing is because she loves me and she is being the best mother she knows how to be.
Crying as hard I was as a baby it was actually my first trip on the air plane that created my vertigo.
I am happy to say since my session with Kalka I have been Vertigo free.
Thank you so much Kalka, I am back to living my normal life.
If doctors aren’t working for you I highly recommend Steve Richards Dream Time Healing using holographic kinetics as an alternative, you have nothing to lose it definitely worked for me.
S from South Africa
HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS SURROGACY (Distance) Healing testimonial..
This session was done by the Holographic Kinetics surrogacy team out of the Morayfield shop on a client from South Africa. She's had a couple of Holographic Kinetics surrogacy sessions and has shared some feedback regarding her changes.
I also want to mention as I feel it is important to let you know that there have been several changes with sessions I've had - I eat healthy, my relationship with feeling wealthy has changed (I had a woman offer to do fundraising for me from the UN in Switzerland to buy the farm), I feel like all is possible, I have become more clear on what I enjoy doing have taken steps to pursue it (Biodynamic farming - I will attend my first workshop in the next few weeks), I am embodied - I am so intune with my body and it is reflected in dancing which people are always telling me I dance beautifully and my I am a confident driver, next I am going to fly a commercial airplane 😊 I have been free of all substances since the first HK session which has been remarkable too."
A big thank you and acknowledgement to Steve Richards and Lisa Marie for teaching this wonderful knowledge Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics on how to assist people from anywhere around the world. Thank you to the HK surrogacy team at Morayfield shopping centre and all involved.
S from South Africa.
My name is Anthony Yukes and I’m currently in the court system.
This where I found Steve Richards dream time healing.
I was a long time ice and marijuana user most of my life.
After I had a healing with Kalka and Tom I saw I took on the same patterns of my father of anger and drug abuse which I took on myself leading me into a path of violence myself.
Now I actually feel no anger after the session and haven’t touched drugs since which is amazing for me.
I cleared my relationship issues and happy to let go and move forward.
Since my session I have found a permanent job and loving life and even have a car as I’m not wasting money on drugs.It’s like universe is giving me everything I deserve now.
It’s just the process of the court system now I have to complete but even the justice group have noticed the changes in me.
Many thanks to uncle Steve for taking me back to culture in healing my spirit.
Anthony Yukes
Hi my name is Nathan scells I'm just writing this testimony about my healing session with with uncle kalka and Tom.
I met uncle through justice program at caboolture while I was going through the court system. Uncle offered me a healing session I was a bit sceptical at the start but since the day of the healing I believe some aspects of the healing have helped me in a big way for example I have a better relationship with my children I can talk to them about things without just getting angry and frustrated straight away, I feel like I can copewith little things that I thought were big things in my life but are actually just small things, I feel like I can hold myself higher and proudly and my past is not who defines me,it's my road head that defines me and the decisions I make here on out. It's helped Me with my mental health in a way that I thought I would never get a break from it.I been battling mental health since the age of 11 but the healing seems to have shown me how to accept me for
me. I Want to thank uncle Steve Richards and his dream time healing organisation accepting me in and helping me through this journey.
Nathan Scells
My name is Vicky.
Kalka described to me one day how everything living has a spirit including animals and that they can be communicated to through spirit and therefore can heal the animal of their past trauma.
I immediately thought of my beautiful horse Demi who I knew would benefit from some spiritual healing.
Demi, is an ex racehorse. She was given to me in October 2020 and she was what is known as a windsucker.
This is a habit that is formed & thought to be caused by stress or boredom or both. As far as I know, once a horse begins the habit of windsucking, they don’t ever stop.
It causes the horse ongoing gut and health problems and wears their teeth down over time. A kind of compulsive disorder.
In Demi’s case chewing on a steel fence post constantly.
Amazingly Demi has stopped windsucking after a session with Steve Kalka and Nicole after they communicated with her spirit!
I was able to watch the session take place using a surrogate to speak on behalf of spirit Demi and the accuracy of the information that her surrogate provided was mind blowing!
Demi spoke of a funny/uncomfortable feeling in her hips & back legs that caused her to want to kick out all the time - my horse Demi has a weird habit of kicking her back legs out in a stroppy way that seems to be apropos of nothing.
The session involved removing this cause of effect from her time track in the past.
Spirit Demi, through her surrogate also described having a sore tummy. This was actually something that I was going to bring up as an issue and completely forgot, because as an ex racehorse I had treated her for ulcers and had her on a maintenance ulcer preventative, but I felt that she still wasn’t quite right.
So she was given an opportunity at the end of the session to speak of any other issues and her surrogate described gut pain, I was again blown away by the accuracy. Particularly because the words gut and gut health were used, as these are commonly used in the world of horses and are closely tied in with ulcers.
Spirit Demi, through her surrogate also described how she loved eating apples which made us all laugh and I in particular found it very amusing because I had given Demi an apple as a rare treat just prior to her session.
I’m unbelievably happy for Demi that she was able to have past trauma cleared from her time track and that she no longer feels the need to relieve her stress by windsucking.
I’m truly grateful to Steve Richards Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics and can’t thank them enough, this testimony is my way of showing my gratitude.
Our beloved pets can experience trauma just as we do and it’s the most wonderful thing to see them let go and live a much happier life with their humans.
Thank you Steve. Kalka Nicole and the HK team xx
Message: Good Morning Steve. I just want to leave feed back for a recent healing session I had. This was my first ever healing and it was done with Nicole in Morayfield. She was very welcoming and Put my nerves at ease. My experience really was beyond all my expectations. I was brought back to the womb at 1 month , which cleared up one of my main issues which was over thinking and intrusive thoughts. I was also feeling dull pain on the left side of my body that was cleared up as well by clearing up an experience from 4 life times ago. Nicole is amazing at what she does and is a really wonderful person . After the experience Nicole and Flyn both happily talked with me for awhile me and told me soo much more and answered all my questions which i really appreciate. I will definitely book in another session with Nicole and have been recommending holographic kinetics to every body.
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Hi Tom,
Just wanted to update you on Robert. After the last session Robert was doing really well. All his aggression, defiance and challenging behaviours were gone. He went from going into time out multiple times a day to not going once for 2 weeks. His teachers also commented on how different he was, he was participating in games with other children and sitting quietly for story time which Robert had never done prior to this.
Overall the change in him is incredible, so Thankyou so much. He was becoming unmanageable both at home and at school but now I have hope for him to have a bright future!!!! He has gone through so much trauma but I can feel an inner peace with him now where before there was only grief, anger and fear.
No words can describe what you have done for him- forever grateful!!
Hi Steve,
Hope you are well. I had such a great time at the course. The defrag was wild!
Just checking to make sure that this testimonial is ok to send to Kalka.
I saw Kalka a little over two months ago for menstrual issues. For the past few years I have had very heavy bleeding, severe cramps and much pain and exhaustion during my cycle which caused me to stay in bed for 1-2 days. My cycle would last for 9 - 10 days and I would have such severe bleeding on days 4-7 that I could not leave the house. It caused so many problems, including low iron and low energy.
I changed my diet and upped my exercise, stopped drinking alcohol and caffeine and even gave up sugar. This did help, but I was still bleeding heavily and struggling with PMS symptoms. I felt terrible every single month for 1-2 weeks because of this.
After one session with Kalka, my cycle went from 9 very long days to 4. After two cycles I can say that my menstrual cycle is completely different. I have no PMS symptoms, no exhaustion, no heavy bleeding and my cycle has decreased in length by about 50% and the bleeding has been reduced by about 70%. I was able to leave the house and go about my life as normal with no issue.
I'm so grateful for Steve Richard's Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics and recommend that any woman struggling with menstrual issues book in for a session.
My sessions were so impactful that I signed up for the 7-day course to learn more about the modality. Not only has this course changed my life, but the impacts have rippled out to positively affect my entire family. Thank you so much! I'm so grateful for this healing and this knowledge and recommend that everyone have a session and consider learning more about Steve Richard's Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics. It will truly change your life!
Thanks so much,
Hello Tom,
Sorry i took this long to provide feedback. I just wanted to wait until things felt more settled.
After your healing the overwhelming thoughts about negative eating and worthlessness due to wait stopped almost immediately. Second the excessive eating and hunger stopped and i returned to my usual small serving sizes (about 2-3 weeks later) i stopped bloating and gaining weight.
It took about a month and i started to feel less brain fog.
Its been 2.5 months now and i am at the gym doing muay thai again which i havent done in over 10 years since before this program activated.
And then suddenly 2 weeks ago, the weight started coming off. The most important part was i wasnt tearing myself down about it.
Thank you both for your time and effort. I really appreciate you doing this healing for me.
Have a great day,
Zanna Ellaz
Dear Steve, Dear Lisa,
I hope you are both doing well! I jus want to give you an update and express my gratitude and thank you so much for helping me and allowing me to have a session with Tom and Kylie, the outcomes were very positive and life changing. Regarding pregnancy, they cleared an issue I had with my left ovary, and I was able to produce more eggs, which leaves me with 5 frozen embryos waiting for me for the next step in spring time.
Tom and Kylie also looked at an issue I had regarding pain, I was experiencing pain through my whole body all the time and I felt constantly broken by the pain. I can now move freely when I’m doing yoga, I don’t feel broken anymore when I woke up in the morning, and even my neck which was severely injured has started to show some improvements. It has absolutely changed my life. Kylie is truly an amazing surrogate, she said things from my present life that were so accurate, and the team they form with Tom is amazing, they have been working with me for some time now, since the first pregnancy and when I lost the baby, and they have been of a great support and great help.
I really want to thank you so much, some days I get frustrated to have moved to a country where there isn’t any practitioner, and it is good to know that in case of emergency we can still get some help and support.
I will keep you inform regarding pregnancy, I plan to start around March, Thank you!!!!!!
Hi Tom and Kylie,
Its been 2 weeks since my session and i am thoroughly enjoying the new sense of being relaxed and aware of myself as a grounded capable human being - my heart feels open, vulnerable and strong and i love feeling this - i am experiencing deep moments of compassion for my father who is elderly and losing his mental capacities and my patience with him has changed dramatically which has imporved our relationship dramatically. Im also feeling a deeper compassion for world events going on and not so frustrated with them.
I am also physically feeling strong and flexible especially in my hip and lower back area - ive started cross fit training and doing yoga 3x's a week enjoying the stretching and endurance of cardio without the pain is such a gift - i am so grateful for the work that was done.
My diet is very good now as well now that im not smoking pot anymore (no munchies) and also my dreams at night are clearer and more meaningful and im remembering them with more detail and clarity - im also aware that my fear level has decreased significantly in the past 2 weeks - im simply grounded in the moment and experiencing a confidence that i can handle what ever needs to be done...because there's always something that needs to be done - lol - oh and one more thing - im laughing much more since the session - i mean laughing till it hurts like i used to do when i was a kid - in fact i feel more like a kid then i have in a very long time. Its awesome!!!!
hank you from the bottom of my heart for the session
Hi my name is Christina
I’m a single mum with two boys.
Unfortunately our family suffered from a very traumatic divorce and domestic violence situation a few years ago. Both my boys were young when the relationship between myself and their father ended, but due to ongoing issues, I could see the effects of the situation on their emotional health.
We tried other methods such as art therapy, EMDR and counselling, but nothing was shifting. My youngest son was exhibiting angry outbursts and emotional eating. He was addicted to video games and it was a constant struggle to get him to do anything else.
My oldest son was holding all his emotions in and acted sad, angry and depressed and would react violently towards his younger brother. I took both my boys to see Kalka for sessions to address these issues and was immediately blown away by the results.
Since our sessions, both boys have been so much calmer. My youngest is much more cooperative and finds other things to do to keep himself entertained besides video games. He no longer incites fights or tries to emotionally manipulate or bully others. His emotional eating is gone. He is kinder and much more empathetic.
My oldest son feels so much lighter and happier and does not have as much resentment and anger towards his little brother. Their fighting and outbursts have drastically reduced. Because my son kept all his emotions in, it was difficult for other forms of therapy to release them. One session with Kalka and the emotions are released.
It feels like I have my beautiful boys back! I am so grateful and would recommend that every parent bring their children in for a session. The reason why Steve Richards Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics works so well is that instead of talking about things over the course of weeks and months, the issues are just sorted out and there is no need to return. The issues are dealt with in one session. Yes, that's right parents - ONE SESSION. There isn't anything faster or more effective. For a parent, it's ideal and so easy for your kids.
Morning Steve
its now 2 months since you and your good lady LISA did your remote healing on young Jeremy
wish to report that Jeremy is doing extremely well with a lovely disposition and outlook on life
Thank you for your assistance
Ive heard of HK before, but never knew what it was or how it would ever pertain to me. After a few conversations with Marilyn Gonzales Rose, whom I met through a mutual friend on Facebook, I was to learn the exact nature of the practice. After hearing the benefits of HK & being quite intrigued about the information I decided to book a session.
When we first started the session, I will admit that I thought it was a bit of ‘dupery’, lol, but I was to learn firsthand & quickly that it was the exact opposite. Right after that 1st session, urges I’ve had of unhealthy personal choices were immediately lifted. As amazing as that was, it paled in comparison to another struggle I was dealing with, which was a business & monetary issue.
Right after that session I’ve literally been non-stop with work, business connections, and even started a new second business. It’s literally been YEARS since things have been this lucrative.
I’m not only grateful for Marilyn clearing these blockages, but I’ve also been blessed to gain an amazing new friend, whom continues on a daily basis to educate me to new truths. HK with Marilyn was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!
Greg C.
Hi Steve and Lisa,
I'm up in Byron briefly for a project and had an HK session with Natwah the other day. I wanted to share some feedback - I said the gist of this to her following the session and that I would write and let you know.
The session I had with Natwah was really deep and powerful. She was wonderful! Her commitment and dedication to HK is true and shines through the way she conducted the session.
As a fellow HK student (still a beginner) it is so inspiring to experience her growth. Nat's understanding and ability to navigate the layers and threads presenting in a session has increased exponentially since my last appointment with her (several years ago following the 2019 Byron course).
In my session I felt all the benefit of the work she's done. The issues I came with were addressed thoroughly. The shifts since the session are BIG. And I know will keep on unfolding..
I am so appreciative of the session with Natwah and of HK.
Thanks for all you do and the difference HK makes,
Susan Rich
Hi Steve and Lisa,
Am very happy to provide the following testimony
I have completed two HK courses with Steve and have found it to be a modality that is an absolute level above anything else I have experienced. Steve’s knowledge and acknowledgment of Spirit has totally transformed the way I view life and my future is now opening up to possibilities that I would previously could never have imagined. I had previously completed many ‘healing’ courses, partly due to personal interest but mainly as a way to start feeling better within myself. A few offered some sense of relief, yet no other modality was ever able to reach the very deep seated issues that had plagued my life like HK was able to do through acknowledging and allowing my Spirit the space to be heard. The first course with Steve and Lisa was amazing and I am truly a different person since then. I am now so much more empowered within myself, I am able to communicate with other more easily, anxiety levels do not affect me as they had before, I do not need wine to numb myself as I had previously and an enjoyment for life has returned. I feel lighter, happier and a sense of calm and freedom within myself that I have never felt before. I highly recommend Holographic Kinetics to anyone and everyone! Life is too beautiful to be stuck in cycles of pain and suffering.
Susan Rich – Uralla NSW
Sandie Mills
I have an amazing daughter, Genice, who has Cerebral Palsy. She is non-verbal, is wheelchair bound & requires assistance for all of her personal grooming, eating, drinking, mobility & community access. As her condition is due to a birth injury caused by a partial lack of oxygen for up to 13 minutes, it’s been a journey of discovery & healing since that day. I have done a lot of work over the years peeling back the layers, in order to cope with the ongoing issues that you have to deal with day to day, as well as the personal grief associated with her disability.
As Genice spiralled into another bout of depressive behaviour in April, 2019, I sort out a lady who did Holographic Kinetics with her when she had a previous bout a few years ago. (Genice’s behaviours included scratching & sometimes gouging her face, arms & hands with her fingernails, banging her legs on the bed rail & pushing with her feet so hard that her wheelchair tipped backwards.) When I couldn’t contact her, I asked the Universe for an alternate solution, whether it be another healer or some approach I hadn’t become aware of yet. Several weeks later, through a carer Genice had for a short time, I was introduced to Kalka who, to my surprise, also does Holographic Kinetics.
In order to maximise the healing for Genice, Kalka suggested that I have a healing first to clear out my issues. I had a truly amazing healing which finally healed the birthing trauma, as well as some earlier relationship issues. A second session a few weeks later enabled me to heal some issues that I had been carrying since early childhood.
With Steve Richards as guide, Kalka did a surrogated Holographic Kinetics healing with Genice & she responded intuitively & positively to the session with a marked change in her spirits & demeanour from that time. She had a second session with Kalka, with a surrogate to communicate for her, which enabled her to deal with a variety of personal & disability related issues.
Genice has had four subsequent Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics sessions with Steve Richards, dealing with the process of moving to a new house, the unresolved loss of a man she loved & the feeling she had at high school of being different & being looked at & talked about as if she wasn’t there or didn’t understand what teachers, aides & students were saying. The ability to resolve these issues so that they no longer impact on her current life has meant that she can deal with her day to day challenges with cheerfulness & good humour. Despite continued problems with the NDIS process to acquire funding to get into her new home, which means she has to continue to live in her current home with a complete mismatch of co-tenants having no choice & control over her life, Genice has felt happier in herself, having released some of the past hurts.
The healings have made a huge difference to Genice’s emotional well-being with the depressive behavior a thing of the past. In addition to this though, her whole demeanour & outlook on life has changed, becoming more positive, energized & vibrant. She started to work out at the gym 18 months ago. It gives her the opportunity to get out of her wheelchair, do & achieve things she hasn’t ever done before or hasn’t done in a long time & didn’t believe that she could do. She now has a belief in her ability to do things rather than focusing on her disability or her inability to do things. It has worked wonders in her life.
If you want to make a positive change in your life, I highly recommend Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics to heal past or present hurts & issues.
I had a dull pain when I was lifting my left arm above my head for a few days. that morning when I was in the shower I felt and saw a large lump protruding from my left breast. I had a mammogram which show a 22mm lump . So I booked an appointment with Tom ,with a extensive list of issue in hand. When I got there he said "what are you not nurturing in yourself" which brought tears to my eyes as I have been a single mother for the pass 7 years with little $ support or presents from my kids father. We looked at the cause to the effect of 3 issues and clear what came up, with in 2 days there was no more lump or pain. Thank you Tom for your compassion and Thank you to Holographic kinetics for fast effective results.
Hi Steve and Lisa,
I hope you are both well!
Last Friday Tom and Kylie did a session on my 1st lost baby and something big came out, but they all cleared it and I really felt a big shift within me, as I felt this was something not only affecting my pregnancy but also my life in general for a number of years. I was feeling so happy and relaxed and lighter this week.
Sadly I did a scan this morning and the 2 remaining babies I had were dead, one apparently gone for some times and not there anymore, and the other one who was already big enough, is still within me but dead with no heartbeat.
I guess this is my karma and this is something I have to go through; Tom and Kylie have told me they will do a session in about 2 weeks' time to clear the 2 spirits gone, and again I am so thankfully grateful for their amazing help so far.
I just wanted to update you as I promised to do, I don't know what to say, today is the first day, so I feel like it blowed right hard into my face and its not really easy to deal with it, but I hope with time and awareness of spirit and journeys of spirits - both mine and theirs - I will make peace and find the strength to move on and try again.
I really thank you for having helped me and being there in all that process so far, your words and supports really touched me and helped me, I will keep you update in future progress, although I may need a 2-3 months break before I'll be able to start again,
I really thank you for the bottom of my heart for everything.
Hi Steve, my name is Kimberley. My sister phoned you 2 weeks ago today & you put us in touch with one of your student practitioners Daniel Lopez. I was admitted to hospital the previous Saturday as I experiencing what the medical establishment would call convulsive seizures. These started during a sound healing meditation. I had been doing a particular one recently for clearing ancestral trauma. I was discharged from hospital after bloods, a neurological assessment & CT scan came back normal. I was dosed up with Valium & referred to a neurologist that deals with movement disorders. It became very clear over the next 2 days that what I was experiencing was not something that could be resolved by these measures. The attacks became much more violent & intense, I was thrashing around developed a stutter & felt like I was being strangled from the inside. On the 3rd day there were very primal animal like noises & sounds & even other voices coming through me. I know none of this would surprise you with all that you have seen over the many years of your work but I had not myself experienced or witnessed anything like this before firsthand. I had been practicing Vipassana meditation which involves a body scanning technique to remove sankaras or habit patterns, for a number of years, and had experienced different sensory phenomena but nothing like this. Daniel explained after my session, which took 3 hours that the sound healing had activated all my childhood trauma, both this lifetime & previous ones. I also had a number of life forms, entities & inter-dimensional forces in my field that had come in at various times, including at the hospital after being dosed up on Valium. I remember that night in emergency there was a man in the bed next to me that had tried to take his own life. Daniel also warned about using external tools that involve another’s intent & also how you are entering into another’s game. I have since been reading all the incredible information on your website. I don’t want to take up too much of your time but I really wanted to get in touch with you. Firstly to acknowledge this amazing aboriginal healing wisdom & practice & to express my deepest gratitude to you for developing & sharing the modality of Holographic Kinetics with the world. Also to share my experience, the fact that you answered the phone that morning & that Daniel was within a close enough distance & available that day. He had said he was meant to be at work that day but hadn’t gone in as he had a strong feeling he was needed. I would love to do one of your courses to become a practitioner. I had a look on the web at the dates and wondered if you would put me on the waiting list for Sydney for when it is confirmed. I have been looking at different energetic healing courses in the last year or so but I know this to be the absolute real deal. It makes so much intuitive sense to me but also having experienced a healing myself. There is such a huge need in the aboriginal and non aboriginal community, so much human suffering & as I have become even more aware an inter-dimensional war being waged. Thanks again Steve for your work, huge respect.
Kind regards
Kimberley Tick
5 March 2021
HK Testimonial from N...
who came for a Holographic Kinetics session regarding her relationship with her daughter. Her daughter had recently run away from home in the night and went to police with false allegations against both parents of emotional abuse. N wanted to heal whatever was the cause of this issue.
A month ago, my 17-year-old second daughter sued us for abuse. We found out in the middle of the night and rushed to the police. Suddenly, it was a hellish day of confusion, anger, and sadness. Even she had a mental disorder, but I was confused by the absurd allegation she made. One person told me that the code for the previous life made this situation and recommended Holographic Kinetics.
I knew that thinking creates reality, but it was a session without understanding how holograms work.
When Morgaine asked spirit to find the cause of my and daughter's trouble, it was my birth scene. I was surprised to find that I was suffocating, and I didn't want to be born. Then, I moved on to the stage where (we found the root cause in a previous life where, in that life, the being who is now) my daughter cut my throat and I died. It's exactly where the same emotions were happening now.
The day after the HK session, I realized that I was taking a deep breath, and I was so happy that I watched my lungs move in the mirror for a while. And above all, the case with my daughter showed rapid progress. All of our allegations were cleared within , and she agreed to take a session. It is such a peaceful movement.
I'm pleased because I imagined a scene that would take her to a session all the time. I'm sure she will make a big difference.
The process of rebuilding myself gave me irreplaceable confidence and peace of mind. I'm thankful to you.
I recommend this method to people all over the world.
After the session, N replied to me that everything made sense to her now. The current life trigger was at birth… being unable to breathe with cord around the neck and emotion was afraid. The cause of the effect was past life. In that life N was a male and the current daughter S was the girlfriend and had killed her (him) by some emotional reaction/ misunderstanding and slitting the throat. Once the session was over, N reported that it all matched up… her daughter is obsessed with knives and often said she was going to kill them (parents)… and the current issue is an allegation of emotional abuse… consistent with the past life situation where N was killed in the scenario.
Since the session, the police charges were dropped within the week, the daughter S is speaking to the child services counselor to go back home and she is coming for a session herself next week.
Thank you Steve and Lisa for your care and attentiveness in sharing your wisdom, teaching Lore to us students/ practitioners, and bringing healing for so many lives. Much gratitude from my heart.
regarding surrogate session on daughter
19th Dec 2020
Just wanted to give you an update on Ary. Yesterday she began to show positive signs, she now goes to the toilet on her own ( without me needing to physically take her outside), her breathing has improved ( she's taking deeper breaths and this is lasting longer throughout the day and night). Usually if she's experiencing an internal bleed, her breath shortens, her pulse races and her body, particularly the belly region heats up, however, yesterday she had a very good day and night not having experienced any of those symptoms. She's also more responsive and alert, thanks to Holographic Kinetics
19th December 2020
I contacted Andrew as I was experiencing lack of confidence and had developed a strong tendency to respond negatively to situations that did not need such a response. From my own thoughts and my initial discussions with Andrew it was evident that this behavior had its roots in my early childhood. Andrew then explained Holographic Kinetics to me, a concept I was previously unfamiliar with, and I opted for a session of this procedure rather than going down the route of conventional counselling. Having researched further the process prior to my appointment I knew roughly what to expect, and was not disappointed. While the intensity left me feeling a little strange (though not unpleasantly so) for a short while afterwards, a month on I am feeling altogether more positive and determined.
I hope this is appropriate for your needs.
Vicki S
30th Nov 2020
I was very lucky to have Kylie work with me using Holographic kinetics, she helped me feel at ease immediately and reassured me that there was nothing she has not heard that would surprise her, we launched into it with honesty and a pure desire for healing and a great outcome for me.
Throughout the session Kylie was firm but gentle, guiding me through with confidence and expertise in her work, I felt supported and heard.
I have inner peace now which can only be described as release from the tensions of my past and the painful beliefs I held onto, thank you for this life changing experience.
8th November 2020
I started my journey in life getting stuck in my mum's pelvis requiring emergency surgery to get me out. I think At that point I reconsidered my decision on the life ahead of me and wanted out but I’m here to tell my story.
At the age of 18 months my Mum checked out and decided motherhood wasn’t for her due to her own life traumas and she moved away. I was brought up by my dad. I was a troubled soul and as a very young teen (11) I started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. I continued rebelling at school and at home and my dad kicked me out at the age of 14 to live with my Mum.
At that stage I became angry and I switched off my humanity switch. This lead to increased drug use and I thoroughly enjoyed the party life. I got expelled from school and arrested many times and overdosed on drugs. I had completely given up on life, until I had my daughter at 18.
Drugs continued to be a big part of life until my daughter turned 2 and I decided she and I deserved a better life. I had my second daughter and 2 years later split with my kids dad due to him getting addicted to ice. I needed to be strong for my girls and was drug free for 16 years. I put myself through uni and tried my hardest to be a good Mum and a functioning member of society. However trauma and conflict continued to be a common theme in my life. I moved to QLD with my then boyfriend and children for a fresh start and a better life. That’s when life got real heavy. We broke up and I was isolated with 2 kids in a state with no friends or family or money to move back. I was trapped, alone and overwhelmed.
My health started to deteriorate. I was diagnosed with endometriosis and needed a hysterectomy soon after. I was put on many prescription drugs which destroyed my stomach. I couldn’t eat and lost 25kgs in a few months. At that same time my eldest daughter went off the rails and started her own journey on the drug road.
Life became very stressful. I was a single Mum working shift work with 2 kids that were struggling. We all were struggling and life quickly took a down hill spiral. I went back to smoking weed as a way of coping and to help with sleeping but that slowly lead to more trauma and being completely unable to function. All I wanted to do was escape life, not feel and smoke weed all day every day.
My eldest daughter and her drug use became a huge issue and she developed anxiety +++ she could no longer work or function in society. After recently finding out she was aboriginal and hearing about holographic kinetics a trip to Kalka was a must. After 2 sessions with Kalka she is now completely drug free, off all antidepressants, she’s back at work and happy. I got my beautiful daughter back.
I met my new boyfriend around the time my daughter went completely off the rails and he offered great support but I still had many psychological and physical issues and felt something was missing in life. I wasn’t settled. After seeing the transformation in my daughter I decided I also needed to see Kalka. Which I did a bit over a week ago.
Since seeing Kalka everyone is completely blown away by my transformation. I am now completely drug free. The thing that amazed me was after one session I no longer craved weed or have a desire to escape life. Weed is still around me in my social circle but I have no desire to smoke it and I have had no withdrawal symptoms. It’s like I’ve never touched it and I have no desire to. I feel light, happy and free for the first time in my life. I’m high on life and see life completely different. The peace I now hold in my heart is amazing and nothing seems to upset me. My head and body is calm for the first time in my whole life. Also the chronic pain issues I’ve had for the past 4 years have gone and I have not needed a pain tablet since my session. I have decided to change my job as it doesn’t bring joy into my life and the doom and gloom feeling of life has lifted. I feel truly happy and at peace . Thank you Kalka,his teacher and Elder Steve Richard, Holographic Kinetics organisation and of course spirit.
I have since learnt I am the creator of my own destiny and the power of my own thoughts. My only regret through this whole process is that I didn’t do this when I was younger. Kalka has not only changed my life but also my daughters. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and keep shining your light Kalka ☮️❤️🙏
Tom Blake
13th October 2020
Here's a little Holographic Kinetics good news story and how HK can help heal nature.
Near where I live we have a magnificent old Fig tree that is over 120 years old, a beautiful tree, and for some animals, home.
The tree lives right by the corner of Woody Point, stands there looking over the area.
Not long ago the council had made the decision to cut down and destroy the tree so developers could build there against the wishes of the locals. Many of the locals had protested for so long and had finally lost the fight and the council ordered the arborists in. Once in, in a matter of moments, they had cut it completely down and started throwing it through a wood chipper like it was a piece of broken furniture. After I had seen the post online of it being cut down I had thought to myself just how terrible the whole ordeal was.
Knowing I could surrogate the tree to clear it's trauma using HK, I thought there must be something else I can do surely.
So I spoke with Lisa who told me that Steve said to go there and see if there is any way to get a cutting to see if we can plant it again in hopes that the spirit of the tree can live on and regrow its new vehicle.
So I drove down there, seen the construction site and seen what was left of the old magnificent tree.
I was met at the gate by the security guard. I thought this is going to be interesting, without knowing what to say I simply let him know that I'm apart of Holographic Kinetics and it's important to try and save a cutting of the tree so the spirit of the tree can live on. After giving me a confused look he provided me with his bosses number to call to ask if there was a time I could come in and see if there are any seedlings.
So I called the number and spoke with the boss and explained about HK and how it's important to try and get a cutting of the tree so the spirit of the tree lives on. I had never done anything like this before so I had no idea what was going to happen, but integrating with my spirit and just having the intent to assist the tree, things were aligning.
He called me back later that day and said that he called all the Nursery's in the area and finally got onto a Nursery who was able to accept the challenge and try to propagate the tree and try and get some good cuttings for growth but he was unsure if they'll get anything.
He explained that he will drive there himself with the large branches and cover the costs, whatever they may be and however long it takes. Thank you spirit! Now we need to clear the tree of it's trauma.
So we surrogated the tree at the Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics Morayfield shop and cleared it of all its trauma around being cut down, interesting that it had expressed it wanted to live on in its new vehicle and recreated it was alive in the same original spot.
We also cleared the spirits of the animals that were killed whilst the tree was being cut down. Left it at that.
Next day after the session the boss calls me back and said great news we've actually got good cuttings and in 12 weeks we'll know how many we've got.
He explained he will take some and plant it back at the same site along with other native plants so it can go back to its home (just like the recreation)!
The rest will be given to me which I'll donate back to the community so they can care for the tree and if any left, I'll pass it down so my children can know the story and be able to understand how important nature is to all of us.
So I'm happy to share that the tree went from all but destroyed to now having its trauma cleared and being able to grow its vehicle again and continue to grow where it belongs, and continue to watch over the area. I'm thankful to Steve and Lisa for allowing us to learn HK to not only assist ourselves and others, but to assist nature as well. Thank you Nicole Holmes for being the surrogate to Traders in Purple, Charles Daoud and team. The pics are the old fig tree and the lady propagating new growth at the Nursery. HK all the way!
20 Sept 2020
I wish to share this testimonial of my experience with Holographic Kinetics. Thank you to founder and creator of Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics, Steve Richards, for sharing his knowledge and research with me and assisting along with his practitioners and students to assist my spirit clear my issues.
I experienced chronic lower back pain for 20 years from the age of 13 to 33. Initially I was given the label of Scheuermann’s disease of the lower spine. Over those years I’ve had 4 sets of MRI scans taken, 2 sets of X-Rays and 2 CT scans. The multiple opinions sought from specialist orthopaedic surgeons suggested that as I got older it would get better, one theory was that I grew fast, my bones were soft, as I get older they will harden, and some people showing similar imagery and had gone on to play sport after a couple years rest. The surgeons did admit that they knew very little about was going on. One opinion said do as much as you can, rather than stop all activity, which is generally what I ran with. As an active kid, the emotions of being limited in my activity was an ongoing mental and emotional challenge, the constant thought process of I couldn’t do the things I wanted to do, I would be limited to a desk job, I couldn’t grow up and have kids and play with them weighed on me.
After a few years the back ache and pain did not go away. I took anti-inflammatory drugs to play some sport in my late teens but it was only a band aid and still uncomfortable. My symptoms would vary from a dull ache and discomfort to not being able to put my shoes on, or work. Some episodes had me having to lie in bed for a few days. I continued taking anti-inflammatory drugs on and off to assist with working.
At the age of 21 I had more follow up with back specialists and a scan and subsequent nuclear renograms with a kidney specialist noted an elongated kidney with an apparent partial post ureter junction obstruction restricting my kidney from draining. Unknown if like this from berth, and with the possibility that this was causing back pain I had an operation with a 6 month recovery to try and improve either kidney function and back pain. Subsequent follow up tests over the years showed no change to either.
One time in the US I got sent by a chiropractor to the emergency department of the hospital because I had such sever back pain that it was referring around into my abdomen and they thought I had appendicitis. The hospital had me stay over night and have scans, and after more drugs and bed rest the pain abated.
Over the years Ive sort all types of external solutions. I’ve seen many physiotherapists, many chiropractors, many remedial massage therapists and acupuncturists, had dry needling and cupping, I’ve had ball pressure point treatments, brought expensive electromagnetic pulsing mats and pads, had Bowen treatment, neural organisational technique treatments, Blood tests, bio-genetic studies, Scan treatments, genetic testing, external healer session. One professor of physiotherapy said it was all in my head, until doing one days work of demolition on a building site and returning to see him unable to work and move, he said ok it’s not it your head. He would have been closer to say it was in my heart. 2 professionals when I went to see them, said there had only ever been 1 person they haven’t been able to fix, I guess now they say 2.
I implemented many types of strength training, stretching, yoga, Pilates, foundation training, meditation and research.
In 2019 continuing to do all the right physical things, and seeing multiple therapists and having no evident physical causes, I walked to see a therapist, and then couldn’t put my shoes on afterwards. As a 33 year old I had to call my Mum to collect me, and lie down in the car in pain. Upon getting home I took my father’s left over opioid drugs, in tears of pain bed ridden. I started conversing with a US mayo clinic surgeon that a ex-work mate and friend of mine put me onto, advised work that I may not return to work, and a recent scan report stated multiple disc degeneration and bulges, multiple schmorl’s nodes and a paracentral disc extrusion with disc material extending up my spine.
Having relatively recently had a session with Steve Richards to clear sadness and depression that I couldn’t explain, along with relationship and other issues with amazing results I contacted Ivo Franich and booked a Holographic kinetics session. I was in that much pain that I couldn’t drive and had to get an Uber there. Ivo assisted my spirit access and see what I had done in this lifetime to activate and create this issue from the age of 4 and also access what I had done in a past life to set it up.
After the session I got the uber home, got into my car and drove to the breach and walked along the waters edge as previously suggested by Steve Richards.
Soon thereafter back at work I had a follow up session with Julie Devlin to clear more dimensions contributing to the back issue along with other issues.
I am now completely pain free, can work all day at a plant nursery carrying crates of trees with no pain. I can go surfing for as long as I want to with no pain. I can go for a 20 km run with no pain. I forget that I ever had a back issue. My uncle is amazed at how I can dig holes all day.
I was always looking externally for an answer to fix my internal, I now know that everything I need is internal to external, once I acknowledged that I am a spirit and align myself with it, everything is clear and calm.
Thank you to Ivo Franich and Julie Devlin for assisting my spirit clear my chronic back issue, and thank you to Steve Richards, Lisa Marie and all the holographic kinetics practitioners and students that have assisted and continue to assist my spirit clear my issues.
Thank you spirit.
S Gill
1st October 2020
For the last month or so I’ve been suffering from PDST , I’ve hardly worked I have barely been able to get out of the house without having a panic attack or going into meltdown, I was at a job Saturday and had to leave after 15 minutes of work and sitting outside for over an hour panicking because I couldn’t bring myself to go back inside.
I came to you on Sunday morning and had a clearing and I had to go back to the job that day ( no choice) and keep the job going.
I didn’t realise until that afternoon when I was in the truck ready to come home that I never once felt panicked nervous or anything else but happy and in control.And every day since has been better , I haven’t felt this good for at least 12 months , for an extrovert it’s absolutely crippling and not been able to talk to customers and people in general is soul destroying and that’s just not me as I can talk under bloody concrete (ask wifey).
The session I had done with you was just amazing and I’m telling anyone who’ll listen about you guys, the amount of people you guys can assist when they are at their most desperate times in their lives will be amazing, I personally know of 3 people that you guys have quite literally saved their lives . It’s just a few words of appreciation for the session and to your teacher Elder Steve Richards and his organisation Dream Time Healing with holographic kinetics.
I do want to say a lot more now I’m back to my usual yappy self ( I don’t stop yapping according to Wifey ) , off to work now because I bloody can, thanks to that session mate 🙏👌👍😁
Davina Gulish
I've suffered for many years with endometriosis and PCOS. Last year on top of endometriosis and PCOS I was diagnosed with adenomyosis. Every day I was struggling with lower abdomen pain, and would drop to the ground at times curled up in a ball crying because it hurt so bad. It got to the point I was bleeding in between periods, intercourse and even just from exercise. I was really struggling with my health. My doctor referred me to a gynecologist and was told my only option is a hysterectomy. Those words haunted me at the thought of taking away my women hood. If it was tying my tubes I would be fine but taking everything, I really was not ready to except that at the age of 30. In April 2020 enough was enough I couldn't bare the pain any longer. I thought to myself there has to be another option than surgery. I messaged my elder Kalka and booked in a Steve Richards Holographic Kinetics session.
That following week I had my session with kalka, he went back into a past life and assisted me in dealing to the trauma I had set up that caused the sickness.
A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant, the universe presented me with another beautiful child.
On top of that I no longer suffer in pain nor do I no longer bleed randomly. Today one of the Doctors called me from the hospital and told me I need to have an emergency appointment to check nothing is progressing as I'm pregnant. I told her I am healed. They did not believe me and told me I need to come in at 2:00pm for an emergency appointment.
I go into my appointment told my gynecologist I've had an aboriginal spiritual healing and I am healed. Hes like we need to just check to make sure and didn’t believe me.
My gynecologist does the test and yes I no longer have any signs.
He asked me if I'm aboriginal, and I told him yes.
In disbelief and amazement he cleared me and told me if I have any trouble just to get a referral back.
Thank you Kalka for the Steve Richards dream time healing.
You have changed my life on many levels.
1 September 2020
Today is officially the first time in 40 yrs that my mum has made it through winter without being almost crippled by arthritis. She’s been able to regain her mobility & therefore her independence.
Spirit arranged it so she is no longer on the medication because the specialist went on a long holiday without giving her a script.
Thank you Steve Richards for showing us all a better way to live.
Words cannot express my gratitude for Holographic Kinetics 💕
Kel Duinker's
Mini update on how Spirit is helping me in life 💕
I attended the march Brisbane course and was fortunate enough to have Steve help me clear my issue around lack of money, using Holographic kinetics.
Well now 3 months later i bought my first house!! Which is something i never thought would happen.
Then while sitting in my house i placed my protection rings around my boundary, the house and also my business room. With the intent that anything that is able to harm me or my family including the house (termites) will be dealt with accordingly and removed.
2 days later our new neighbor just warned us that there 3 deadly types of snakes leaving our yard into theirs and to be very careful when we are clearing the scrub. It took me a bit to twig cause its not warm here and most snakes are still in hibernation. I had a giggle and thanked Spirit 😘
Thank you Spirit, Steve and Lisa for waking me up from my amnesia and giving me my power back.
Once you know how this universe works it really is an easy ride 😊🌎🌿
My name is Katelyn I’m 18 years old. I should be dead.
I write this story as a testimonial of what Steve Richards Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics organisation did for me after doing a session with Kalka.
I will not lie Growing up I had everything I ever wanted basically I was fed with a silver spoon. I was a healthy and happy teenager playing and doing well in sports.
I had been scouted from Brisbane lions, playing div1 womens hockey and under 17's AFL when i was 13.
I then went through a family separation.
I was raped by a family member and sexually abused by two other family members.
I was separated from my family.
Within a few months of meeting my father and two younger brothers for the first time both my grand father and mother passed away.
I endured a lot of deaths around it was all getting to much for me as a teenager.
Now my mother was pregnant and was giving birth to my new baby brother.
I had very mixed feelings and lashed out at all my family and friends close to me. I couldn’t work out why this was happening.
After my new baby brother was born I had a disagreement with my mother. I soon fell into a suicidal dark mind set.
So I jumped off a building at the royal Brisbane hospital to kill myself.
I fractured my wrists and broke my pelvis. I lost 6 vertebras in my spine. My lungs had collapsed also.
I had a kidney lesion which required intensive rehab and physiotherapy.
I fell into ‘why is the world against me and began feeling sorry for myself.
Then in 2018 i lost my brother to suicide. When I got the phone call I dropped to my knees and screamed. Not wanting to believe it was true I fell into deeper depression.
I was angry at him for not calling me nor anyone for help before he took his life.
This is where my addiction began with ice and alcohol.
I hated everything about myself I just wanted to numb my pain.
During my addiction to ICE I had lost my job been sexually abused and assaulted.
I was spiralling down hill fast.
Sadly I put my family and friends through the worst pain imaginable.
I knew what i had been putting them through but I felt at this point alcohol and ICE was my only coping mechanism.
After crashing a car into a shop on the night of my 18th birthday I had asked for help from the wrong family member which ended up with me being bashed, kidnapped and being dumped out in a Woodford forest.
I was then diagnosed with PTSD and i depended on the medication drugs even more knowing it wasn't helping with my mental illness.
It come to the point where i was having bad hallucinations and paranoia thinking someone was watching my house or following me in a car.
I scared my family to the point my grandfather had to literally sit in the room so i felt like i was safe to go to sleep.
Having troubles with the youth justice system I was a problem for a long time time in my life seeing counselors, psychologist and psychiatrist simply just didn't work for me.
Hitting rock bottom grandmother told me about Kalka Mitchell. She dropped me off at Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics shop and introduced me to Kalka.
Kalka immediately did a session on me.
It literally changed my life from that moment on!!
Since my session I have not been on any drugs no longer feeling the urge for a hit even better not even feeling like alcohol.
I have started to set goals and I am achieving them quick.
For the first time ever for me I can think clearly.
Some people will have their disbelief's and fear when they first get told about holographic kinetics but until you experience it for yourself only you can be the judge of that. I not only feel stronger but people around me have spoken highly of me noticing my changes which wants me to continue getting my life together.
My changes are not just something new it's something that I will carry with me for for the rest of my life. If anyone is looking for that 'miracle' or 'break through' it is most definitely worth a having sessions with one of the practitioners at the Dream Time Healing using holographic kinetics shop in Morayfield. I encourage anyone who has problems or are struggling with grief to go there.
One session will make you feel so different but in the right way. I would always doubt myself for a lot of things and think maybe I could've done better but now my new actions have spoken louder then words and people are saying you once were 'this and that' now you are doing 'this and that'.
I can’t wait to do a Steve Richards Dream Time Healing course and assist other teenagers who may have been what I’ve been through.
Daniel Lopez
My 15 year old dog Zack developed an issue with breathing. It sounded like something was blocking his airway and he would occasionally bleed from one nostril. It was slowly getting worse.
Earlier this week my wife said she was going to book him in to see the vet but I said we could do a HK surrogate session on him instead and see what happened and if nothing changed we'd book him in to see the vet.
Immediately after the session I noticed a massive improvement in his breathing however what happened the next morning blew my mind.
The next morning Zack started coughing like he was trying to cough something up, now it's a bit gross but shortly after Zack's coughing episode I walked into the kitchen and found this on the floor. I used the $1 coin for size comparison.
Zack's breathing is now completely back to normal and his nostril has stopped bleeding.
Daniel Lopez
Ania Zoltkowski
Hi Steve,
I came to see you for a session late last year when you were doing a training in Sydney that my mum Grazyna attended. I hadn't had my menstrual cycle for about a year and immediately after our session I had symptoms and got my period finally in March this year, and it has been consistent ever since. I'm still having some hormonal imbalances come up, but I'm hoping these will regulate with time. And I've only experienced anxiety once since our session, where as beforehand it was more common, and I feel much lighter, clearer and grounded these days.
So I wanted to thank you for helping me with this, and clearing this trauma from my body and timeline.
Thank you so so much for this work that you do Steve.
All the best,
Ania Zoltkowski
Thank you HK. Thank you Spirit.
Aria Harrington
Regards Tom Blake
28th May 2020
I have had three healing sessions with Tom over the past couple of years. During these sessions, Tom has helped me address and overcome both emotional and physical issues that had been present in my life for many years. After the first session I ever had with Tom, I felt such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, it was quite unbelievable. For many days after the healing I noticeably felt so grounded in my body and so unbelievably happy. I could physically feel the absence of the entity that had been cleared from me, and the absence of the negative baggage that had been weighing me down. I felt as if there was an empty space around me, that was once filled with a foreign being, and I was finally alone. Alone, but not lonely, I was in control of my actions and my thoughts and feelings. It was a wonderfully clean feeling.
On another occasion, about one week after one of my sessions, I noticed a cyst that had been on my face for over 10 years - gone. As Tom has taught me, many of our emotional traumas manifest themselves in us physically. Without knowing what this stemmed from, this Cyst that I had tried to get rid of for 10 years, had just vanished after this session.
I also suffered from a severe yeast infection for many years, which slowly cleared up after a session with Tom, and has never come back. It was quite incredible to see physical illnesses and issues that I had dealt with for years, just disappear.
During my last session, Tom helped me discover one of my past lives in which I had been killed by my partner (in the past life) who was the same person that I had just separated from (in this life) after a 5 year relationship. The discovery of this past life and the divulgence into the connections between that life and this one were incredible. In that life, I had been killed at age 25, and in this life I had never been able to see my life past the age of 25. I am now 24, and Tom helped me release and let go of this person who was never meant for me, and who was destined only to cause hurt and pain. I really feel that this session released me from the chains of this past life, and the influence it was having on this life. Letting go of that life and resetting my path allowed me to envision a future for myself full of love and growth.
To anyone who is considering a Holographic Kinetics Session, I would most definitely recommend Tom. Each time I have had a session with him, I’ve felt a huge positive emotional and physical shift in my life. His patience, understanding, kindness, and passion for what he does is outstanding. In the treatment room, I’ve always felt it is a safe place, free of judgement. Toms humble and calming attitude makes it so easy to release all of my truths comfortably and without fear. Before I ever had a session, I understood very little about what was causing the issues in my life and where they were stemming from… My fears, insecurities, negative patterns, failed relationships and friendships, and much more. Tom helped me find the route of all of this, and took me through the steps to reset all the negativity and create a different path for my future. He also showed me how I was unknowingly putting myself in situations that allowed foreign beings and entities to enter my being and take control of certain parts of me/influence me. He taught me how to protect myself against this. He really equipped me with invaluable tools that have changed my view of the world and the way I live my life. Something I have learnt is that taking part in these sessions is not a miracle cure… It takes vulnerability and hard work, but with Toms guidance and the life changing results that I have experienced from these sessions, it is 100% worth every moment.
Tom is a golden light, I am eternally grateful to him and to Holographic Kinetics for helping me reset my path and choose a life of love, light, and growth.
Aria Harrington
Ezra, Aimee, Jacob, Simone, Emily & Mason
23rd May 2020
Four weeks ago we as a family were lucky enough to be approved for a new bigger rental property, so moving from a small townhouse to a large house was exciting for us especially because we have two pregnant women in the house we thought we had hit it gold. We moved in on the 24th of April 2020, we set everything up to make the house look as beautiful as possible, we were all so happy to have what we thought was going to be our dream rental for our babies but that happiness was short lived.
On the first night of sleeping in the property the clock on the wall fell and smashed between 3-4am so we did not think too much of it, the following night my brother and his little family went to bed, the next morning my brothers pillow he had been sleeping in ended up in the middle of the house which we found strange but did not pay too much attention too.
It wasn’t until cupboard doors would open while we were all asleep and Tv’s would turn on by themselves we then started too think that maybe something else was in the house with us. I’ll be honest we had some believers in the house as well as some non-believers who are now believers
My thoughts of something else living with us were set in stone when I was walking into the lounge to see my partner who was watching Tv when I had seen the figure of a dark shadow on the lounge room wall, it disappeared after a second or so... so I then knew something else was there. I was the first person to see this shadow..
A couple of nights later I was sitting out on the back patio around 10pm and I was sitting with my brother in-law who was sitting opposite myself, when he stood up too walk inside I had seen a shadow which would have been 1 or maybe 2 heads taller then he was and please consider the fact that this kid is over 6foot tall. So I ended up telling him after I walked inside. Mason then told me the first night he stayed he had been sleeping on the couch in the lounge room when he saw a dark figure standing near him which after a few seconds dropped to the ground and slid out of the room.
So Mason was the second person to see these shadows. A few nights later my brother and his little family were in the shower while there 4 year old daughter was sitting in the bathtub, They then heard the little girl saying “let go of my hand” “let go of my hand” which was stuck on the bath tap which after a few seconds let her hand go, as well as my brother and there family hearing knocks on windows and bedroom doors and cupboards opening by themselves we all started getting freaked out.
My brothers partner then started seeing this shadow, as she was walking down the hallway to her bedroom she saw this shadow in her babies nursery room, she had then seen the shadow a few nights later near the front door which was right next to her bedroom she was terrified to walk down the hallway to her bedroom and that same night she saw the shadow in her bedroom at the door which stood there for a solid 10 seconds, she even blinked 4 times expecting it to disappear but it stayed then left.
Now we were all thinking that something nasty was in the house because the mood of the house changed, people were arguing all the time which was not normal for our family as we all love each other but it felt like we were all turning on each other.
Now the last straw was then I was kicking the soccer ball out in the back yard with my 4 year old niece like we do most days, been a little kid she normally has so much energy, well as we were kicking the ball I asked her a question, I said
“Darling, you know how mummy has seen a shadow have you seen anything?”
Instantly she looked beside her to our rock wall display and turned to me after a few seconds and said “I can’t play ball, I need to sit down.. my legs hurt” which was abnormal as this never happened, I was freaked out because I knew something was talking to her. After a few hours we finally got it out of her that she heard a woman in the bush tell her to stop playing ball and sit down. She was terrified and scared, she kept asking us if we could move back to our old house as she could not walk anywhere in the house by herself especially down the hallway.
I was desperate for help as well as answers, I ended up putting a post on a community Facebook page when a lovely lady referred me to Kalka, I instantly called him and he believed everything I said, they were here the very next morning.
Initially my partner was a non believer because out of everyone in the house she was the only one who had not seen or heard anything. As Kalka and Kylie were walking around the house my partner ended up seeing a shadow walking down the hallway.
So after speaking for a few minutes and after Kalka and Kylie felt the house and the energy we acknowledged the land which I found to be beautiful as well as humbling.
Now this is where things got interesting for us as a family, we had never witnessed anything like this in our lives,
Kalka and Kylie let the spirits speak through them to find out the real reason to why they were stuck in the house, we found some extremely interesting facts about the land it’s self, the people who lived in the property previously as well as knowing that we were being taken care off. Now in total there were several entities/spirits in the house which freaked us out because initially we thought that maybe it was just the one entity that was trying to scare us. So to be very honest we were freaked out. It ended up taking close to 2 hours to cast out every little thing that was in the property, initially after Kalka and Kylie left we were still nervous so I called them back as I was concerned but they had explained to allow time for the energy to change so we waited a few more days and nothing happened and nothing has happened in the last week, but I can truly say with a full heart of love and gratitude that nothing has happened since, we feel comfortable in this house now, we now have a better understanding of the spiritual realms and what not to do to attract negative spirits, we honestly feel blessed now that nothing has happened since they left. And I can see the difference already as we are all happy and my niece can now walk around the house by herself.
If we move into another property one day and something like this happens again I definitely know where to go. 10/10 Service for sure.
Thank you to Steve Richards Dream Healing with Holographic Kinetics organisation for helping my family feel safe again.
Kindest Regards
Ezra, Aimee, Jacob, Simone, Emily & Mason
Crissa Dee to Holographic Kinetics
Yaama is just like to share my Dreamtime Healing Session at Morayfield with Kalka and I 100% recommend this Mob for your Healing.. Since I was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2016 having spent 3 weeks in the mental hospital being in the high dependant unit for a week then released into other less dependent wards, after being released my world was a bout of depression many highs and lows I was very confused so my mind went searching for the best possible healing I could find without any pills that was just making my mind even more foggy, I saw on Facebook a few months ago people were talking about this Healing place so I gave it ago a few weeks ago and low and behold all my emotions came up from PTSD and many other mental illnesses, After my healing session with the Deadly Kalka I found it was a doorway to further my healing and the gates swang wide open the healing made me give up weed and wine I can no longer even look at those things thanks to this healing session, I feel so much better in mind body soul and Spirit and on the way home from my session I felt like I was on cloud 9 felt so much lighter and the most relaxed and calmness I've ever felt in my life.. So I really want to thank Kalka and he's Elder for the healing so much appreciation and gratitude, I found them to be the most respectful understanding and without judgement is what I was searching for in my healing journey and I finally found what I've been looking for yay so thanks Dreamtime Healing much love from
Daniel O'Brien
13th May 2020
Dear Steve,
My name is Daniel, I live near to Byron Bay and last week I had a session with Julia.
I am very grateful for what Julia did for me and would like to thank you sincerely for everything you do.
I am 46 years old and have suffered horrifying mind control techniques, emf/microwave frequencies etc. under constant attack since 1996.
Over the past week my health has recovered at an incredible rate and I look forward to meeting Julia again.
Two days before the session I experienced hope for the first time in many years, and now I am in a much better position to deal with whatever comes next.
A previous student referred me to Julia and for this gift I am sincerely grateful.
After listening to your interviews I am confident that your work can facilitate my full recovery.
I very much look forward to meeting you. If possible I would like to attend the next training seminar in Byron Bay.
Kind regards,
Daniel O'Brien
26th April 2020
I had the good fortune to meet Kalka Mitchell whilst out on a walk recently.
Within a couple of hours I was at the Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics shop at Morayfield shopping centre having a session with him to help me shift some really old and deep abuse/abandonment/rejection wounds/beliefs/patterns which I had been struggling to shift on my own that had been triggered in late January initially, and again in late February.
The triggering of these old wounds threw my body straight back into the shock, trauma and pain I'd not fully felt prior and the whole situation created my being totally off balance both times. Unable to verbalize what I was experiencing, unable to focus, eat or sleep properly, I was also highly unmotivated, whilst feeling and releasing intense grief and loss which became debilitating because the whole situation also left me feeling sick to my core and exhausted.
After the session with Kalka, whilst I was tired due to the enormity of what I'd been dealing with internally, and then the profound experience of the session, I felt much better than I had done previously. It has taken me another two weeks of just being and resting whilst integrating the work we did and I am now feeling like I've had a major upgrade.
I highly recommend a Steve Richards Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics session to anyone who is experiencing repetitious behaviors, triggers and reactions they are no longer wanting to have occurring in their lives.
Kind regards,
8th April 2020
Hi, my name is Cherie and I'm 57 years old. For the last 57 years, or for as long as I can remember, I have been very self-conscious and had no confidence in myself at all. I felt lonely, abandoned and unloved. I never felt like I belonged anywhere and to be honest, most of the time I didn't even want to be here. I always tried to be happy and make everyone feel good about themselves but I never felt good about me. I was bright and bubbly and friendly on the outside, but on the inside I was shattered and broken.
I have suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. I have struggled with my weight all of my life and I became an emotional eater. Whenever anything went wrong I turned to food for comfort. I never trusted anybody because I felt betrayed.
On the 13th of January 2020 I had an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist who told me that I needed two knee replacements. I was terrified at the prospect of surgery and knew that something had to change. My life has been a vicious cycle of wanting to be better and never feeling that I deserved any better.
I have known Kalka for about 10 years and he had mentioned to me about Steve Richards Dream Time Healing using Holograph Kinetics organisation and told me that he could assist me. I was, of course very skeptical. How could I not be when I never trusted anybody?
Finally, I worked up enough courage to call Kalka and arrange an appointment. My first session in February this year was intense, but I walked away feeling better about myself, and that continued to improve and manifest positive energy.
My second session at the new Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics for Indigneous or Non-Indigneous clients in Morayfield shopping Centre was emotionally challenging, but I walked out of that session a much stronger person.
I learnt a lot about myself in that session and now understand me, and understand why I was making the choices I was making, the wrong ones!
I am emotionally stronger and I no longer beat myself up or look down on myself. My negativity has been replaced with positivity and I continue to grow and feel better about myself with each new day. I now have the belief in myself that I CAN and I WILL continue to improve and grow. I have started on my weight loss journey and although I know I have a long way to go, I am feeling positive and stronger every day, and I know I will achieve my goal. I have never lost weight my whole life and in just the six weeks since the session I have already lost my first 14 kgs.
Steve Richards Dream Time using Holographic Kinetics is most definitely a worthwhile experience for everybody.
25th March 2020
I had a dull pain when I was lifting my left arm above my head for a few days. that morning when I was in the shower I felt and saw a large lump protruding from my left breast. I had a mammogram which show a 22mm lump . So I booked an appointment with Tom ,with a extensive list of issue in hand. When I got there he said "what are you not nurturing in yourself" which brought tears to my eyes as I have been a single mother for the pass 7 years with little $ support or presents from my kids father. We looked at the cause to the effect of 3 issues and clear what came up, with in 2 days there was no more lump or pain. Thank you Tom for your compassion and Thank you to HK for fast effective results.
Lesley Acres
23 March 2020
I was first introduced to this healing modality during my attendance at the Mind Body & Spirit Festival in November 2019. I received a brief introduction of the foundation and philosophy of this modality from Kalka Mitchell and needless to say I found it extremely intriguing. I then began reading the contents of the Holographic Kinetics website and sensed an instantaneous and almost innate sense of union with the words transcribed by Steve Richards. I have always believed in the Power of the Universe and the Supreme Power of our own Spirits and discovering this healing modality where the journey of the Spirit is the core focal point was not a mere coincidence as unbeknownst to me I now know that I was always searching for this during this present manifestation on Earth .
I have/had two beautiful dogs since August 2007. One of them fell ill with cancer and the vet advised that we ‘put her down’ immediately as the cancer was advanced and there was nothing they could do. I knew her Spirit was not ready to go so we looked after her as best we could for the next six to seven weeks. Towards the end of the seventh week she was very tired and I knew what I had to do yet I wanted to know whether ‘her Spirit’ was ready to go. So I contacted Kalka Mitchell who then introduced me to Lesley Ahwang. I explained the situation to her and she was kind enough to do a surrogacy healing on Xena that very day. After the healing session Lesley contacted me and advised how Xena was feeling, where her pain was and whether or not she was ready to ‘go’. She also located the time the trauma began, the cause of the trauma and the ‘entity’ that contributed to the cancer and then cleared the trauma and any inter dimensional interferences so that Xena’s future lifetimes can be cleared of the trauma acquired from the present. Two days after that Xena passed away peacefully.
About a week later, I sensed this overwhelming feeling that the other dog who was also very old but healthy would also pass away so I contacted Lesley and she did a similar healing on him as well. As Xena was already in pain and passed away a couple of days after the session I was unable to visually ‘see’ any changes in her. However, with my second dog I saw a change in him almost immediately. Contrary to the exuberant Spirit that Xena had, Tanky was different. He had always been a very reclusive dog whose tail would never wag even when he was happy , he was disinterested in playing and did not have any vitality about his presence. We assumed that it was just his ‘personality’. During the session, Lesley contacted his Spirit and she advised that the overwhelming energy she felt during the surrogacy process was that of abandonment which was difficult to hear. She identified the time when this feeling initially occurred and cleared him so that he may have a joyful presence about him/his Spirit in future lifetimes. Almost immediately after the session Tanky was a different dog. He was happy, he barked, he had vitality in his presence, he wanted to play with the kids and the most astonishing thing to me was that his tail was always and I mean always wagging after that day. I contacted Lesley and advised her of this because this was not the case for 13 years of his life. I felt this overwhelming sense of happiness seeing him always wag his tail and due to a broken heart he too passed away ten days after that.
Although there is a feeling of sadness, I also feel a sense of gratitude that the future lifetimes of the two dogs will be free of any past trauma and interruptions. I am thankful and grateful for having been in a position to be given an opportunity to free their Spirits. This could not have been done without the principles of Holographic Kinetics. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Lesley was kind, compassionate, empathetic and professional during the course of the entire process. Lesley, I am very thankful and grateful to you for this. I am also grateful and thankful to Steve Richards and Kalka Mitchell for giving this opportunity and knowledge to us all.
Lesley Acres
22 March 2020
It has been an interesting time.
Tom my husband went for eye checkup after four months with the specialist and now his other eye is needing treatment.
It was unexpected but thankfully it is in the early stage this time.
So he had to have and injection in his the other eye.
This really effected me as I was not expecting it.
Anyway we got home eventually and I was so angry and frustrated as was Tom and I thought here we go again.
So I asked my Spirit what was going on I just could not move past these unfolding events that were happening in the world as well and I really felt that I had no control of my life and in my life.
Then I remember seeing a Facebook post Daniel Lopez posted on Facebook.
Stating are you being triggered by cellular memories locked in from your ancestry or from past lives.
Well my parents went through many things in their life which were the Great Depression the Second World War the Civil War after the Second World War in Greece.
Shortage of food loss of their way of life everything they knew and continually living in fear of their lives.
I thought I really need to address this in a HK session because it was bring up so many unexplained emotions.
Yesterday I called Lolla Farkas is she available to a swap session and did she want to address some issues.
We both coming from similar backgrounds having many simple things happen in our ancestry it was the right fit.
So we did the session on each other mine was all ancestral issues that had been triggered by the Coronavirus and all the going on in the media even though I was stating being the observer of the game.
Lolla has given me permission to share.
Hers triggers by the Coronavirus was linked to past lives.
They were really insightful individual session with many aha moments and understandings for each of us.
I think it is really important to look at how we are being triggered by what’s going on in the world and do a session on it.
It is extremely beneficial thing to do.
I am very grateful to be able to have the tools of HK and very grateful to Steve Richards and Lisa Marie and for HK.
How freeing and enlightening is that.
Just thought I share as by Daniel posting that post on Facebook my Spirit presented the keys to be able to address my anxiety my fears locked in my DNA.
Thank you.
Iria Stokes
22nd March 2020
Good Afternoon Steve
For three years I have been on schedule 8 drugs.
Endone, Targin, Tramadol, also Voltaren 100mg and Panadeine Forte just to name a few.
Since the Powerful Modality Holographic Kinetics came into my life one session is all it took and to my absolute amazement I have not taken one tablet and have canceled my cortisone injections due next month!!!!!
Also I have suffered all my life with Lochia very Heavy Menstural Bleeding. When I returned home from Queensland the very next day I started Menstruation. I have not experienced a normal period for 30 years. And Guess what?
Dadahhhhh Normal period!!!!!!!!!
All this was all past life related. This was cleared during my sessions.
I've never been more grateful in my life for anything.
Because of this, I have decided to dedicate my life to Holographic Kinetics and take it back to my people, the Maori and my Motherland Aotearoa.
I will do every course I am able.
Spirit will let me know when it's time to travel back across the ditch.
Thank you thank you thank you
Iria Stokes
testimonials from 2017 to 2020
Loren Gibson
I would like to express my gratitude to you for your Holographic Kinetic Healing. You saved my life!
My name is Loren and this is my experience with Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics.
Firstly, I would like to pay my deepest respects to Steve Richards. I also want to express my respect and gratitude to Kalka Mitchell who walked beside me, with no judgement, through my amazing journey. You assisted me in saving my sanity and my life.
I had a lifetime, 49 years worth, of trauma, bad decisions, and brokenness to heal so my apologies for the novel.
I felt I was basically born with anxiety. I can’t recall a time where I throughout my life where I wasn’t feeling anxious to some degree. I was also very much the inconvenient child. My upbringing was weird and dysfunctional. My parents split up before I was two and I have very vivid memories of the night my mum left my dad. My mum was a narcissist, and I was the child who wore her resentment and bitterness. My dad has always been absent. My older sister despised me solely because I was born.
We immediately moved in with my mum’s new partner who was extremely intimidating and controlling. We were expected to live silently and never have a thought or an opinion. He reigned over us with an iron fist. There were never any family activities or outings… we never went on holidays or did anything that came close to resembling a “family”. My sister gained huge amounts of pleasure from blaming me for our parents splitting up, humiliating me, and getting me into trouble as often as possible. I lived knowing I was a perpetual disappointment and nothing I did, or could ever do, would change that. I have always known I very different from everyone else… what I now know as being an empath… combined with my anxiety and restrictive home life made friendships very difficult for me. I just didn’t fit in anywhere.
When I was 11-12 my mother’s partner suddenly changed… I became the golden child and the rules weren’t so strict anymore. I recognise now that it was conditioning and grooming behaviour, but at the time it just felt great to not always be the problem child. My sister left home when I was 13 and I couldn’t believe how good things were at that time despite my mother still being painful. When I was 14 he tried to rape me. I knew the moment I got home from school that day to find him home that something really bad was going to happen. Despite the fact that I managed to escape before he succeeded, that day shattered my soul. I told my mum on that very same day… and she chose to do nothing. I was expected to just go home and carry on like usual. She married him a year later.
My whole being went into self preservation mode. That day got tucked away in the deep dark recesses of my mind, not consciously remembered again until my late 20’s. But my subconscious never forgot. I was never the same again. I became an aggressively angry person. I drank and smoked pot regularly just to try and feel normal. My dreams for the future died that day. I left school at 15 and proceeded to waste my life away on a variety of drugs and abusive boyfriends.
The one massive shining light in my life was having my daughter when I was 28. But amongst the joy my mind began to unravel, and just after her first birthday all the memories of 14 year old me came flooding back. I very rapidly spiralled out of control. I turned to the only thing I knew to cope… weed and speed. The heartbreaking irony of having to hand my child over to my mum… the very same person who ruined me… whilst I wrestled with my demons was unforgivable. In this period I met a guy who went on to abuse and assault me in the cruelest and nastiest ways imaginable… he choked me to unconsciousness numerous times and one particular beating permanently damaged my facial nerve. By the time I managed to escape him, kick the drugs and get my daughter back, I was defeated and reduced to an empty shell.
Nine months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Even though my mother attempted to step up to be my support, I ended up emotionally supporting her.. because everything including my cancer was about her. I lost my left breast and along with it, it took my sense of femininity, my right to feel sexy and any ability to be attractive to the opposite sex.
Throughout my adult life I had endured constant and severe anxiety. Living in fight or flight mode 24/7 is exhausting, it ruins relationships, the ability to act and react rationally, and takes away from every single aspect of your life. The years following my cancer were the worst for my anxiety. There were less and less periods where I could more or less function and the severity increased with every episode. Over the years I had seen numerous psychiatrists and psychologists, have taken ever increasing doses of medications, read self help books, church, meditation…and ultimately nothing helped. By the beginning of last year I was completely incapacited, unable to hold down a job, unable to clean my house, barely able to shower. In the one or two hours I was awake each day all I could do was sit on the couch and convince myself to breathe through the physical and mental pain of anxiety, and smoke lots of pot. I reflected on my life, full of trauma, never being good enough to love, and ever present anxiety and just knew I couldn’t imagine enduring more of the same for how ever many years I had left. I wanted out if I couldn’t make it stop.
I first came across Kalka’s fb page by what could be considered fluke, but I know it was the universe responding to my spirit’s desperate cry for help. Whilst reading the testimonies of others sessions (and googling Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics ), I could feel it deep down in my soul that this is what I had been searching for my whole life!! I couldn’t book an appointment with Kalka quick enough. This was my final last-ditch option and I desperately needed it to work!!
My first session with Kalka still blows my mind!! My list of issues was a mile long.Kalka took my spirit back along my time line, showing me where my mind set became reality and how it created repetitive cycles through my life. I gained insight and understanding of why me and my life was the way it was. I laid down on that table a complete anxious mess…having constant heart palpitations, my mind racing a million miles an hour, with a suicide plan. I sat up an hour and a half later completely and totally anxiety free. It was the first time ever in my life that I not been in fight or flight mode… the rational calmness was so foreign and surreal to me that it took a couple of weeks to get used to. It is amazing how subtle yet profound some of the changes in me have been. I think, feel and act completely different to how I used to. My past no longer defines me or my future. I have random moments of happiness for no apparent reason, and can now step out of my comfort zone and am doing things I would never have done before, to create an actual life for myself!! I am happily completely drug free and know I’ll never go back to that way of life. I feel comfortable in my body and am actually proud I survived cancer with my battle scars. I even randomly lost over 15kgs without even trying! I am now the person I should have been all along. Thank you Steve and Kalka…so grateful to you…
Kind Regards,
Loren Gibson
Amanda Eydmann.
I have to thank Steve Richards Dreamtime Healing with holographic Kinetics and Kalka.
I had been through a tumultuous 2 years, my long term relationship broke down, I left our business and had to start again plus I lost both of my parents within 10 months of each other. I was very overweight and loathed myself and my life. I found myself crying on a daily basis. I was at the lowest point in my life.
I hated gyms and have never wanted to exercise but for some reason I walked into a gym and that’s when I met Kalka.
He started talking to me and I knew straight away that I needed him to help me. That is how my journey began...
He told me about Steve Richards Dreamtime Healing with holographic kinetics so I decided to book in a session.
After I had a session I could hear birds singing happily, something I hadn’t noticed before. Everything just seemed to be a lot clearer to me. As the days and weeks went on I realised I hadn’t cried since the session,not even teary!
I started feeling good and smiling a lot and they weren’t the fake smiles I had grown custom to. I started seeing my friends again and actually enjoying the company and enjoying what we were doing. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders!
I have since found an amazing partner and I feel comfortable in my own skin. I had never before felt comfortable being naked in front of a man but those insecurities have gone!!! The intimacy side has blossomed and there’s no looking back now😊
I have also noticed my body has changed a lot. I have lost 3 dress sizes and my body is changing shape. It seems to be a lot easier for the weight to come off.
Life has really done a 360. I am absolutely loving my life now and I think this is the happiest I’ve ever been.
Steve Richards Dreamtime Healing with holographic Kinetics has absolutely changed my life.
I highly recommend a session with Kalka.
Amanda Eydmann.
I don't think I gave you an update, but my friend in Australia who was suicidal went to see Daniel and I talked to him after the session on his drive home and he was already talking about being excited for the future and his plans for the next year. It was an extraordinary difference! Night and day! I paused the conversation to acknowledge the difference. He continues to sound like himself and is no longer suicidal. So thank you for this work that helped me get help to save my friend’s life. And thank you for leading me to Daniel.
Kath Sharp
I would like to forward my testimonial for my recent sessions with Kalka along with some before and after photos 😊
Recently I hit a brick wall and no matter what I did I continued to revert to the same self destructive behaviours of shutting down, pushing those I cared most about away, self doubt, self blame and more.
I was a constant overthinker, someone who always wondered what I had done wrong when someone appeared distant from me or didn't reply to a message how or as soon as I thought they might, I second guessed everything that was said to me, always wondering why me?
Including all the positive things happening in my life I would still question why me?
My self worth was very low and I didn't believe I deserved to be happy or shown genuine love or care.
All of these things coming from past traumas or negative experiences including sexual abuse and domestic violence. But no matter what I did I struggled to let go of these.
Sure people told me to go see a therapist... I've been down that road before.. Let's just talk about the issues give you some coping skills and send you on your way... But reality of it all for me is that those issues were still there, still raw and real to me and talking about them was simply reliving them all over again. Letting them go seemed impossible.
I'd met Kalka Mitchell at the gym around 6 months ago when I decided it was time to focus on me. I've followed his Facebook and watched the progress he has made with others using Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics.
I had read the reviews and still sat back on the sidelines ... When I hit this brick wall I reached out to him as I felt like this was my last resort.
We had two session and worked together on clearing my issues. Since my sessions my mental clarity has been so much better, my focus has been more concentrated than ever before and I have felt connected, free and happier than ever. My overthinking has stopped and I now know I deserve happiness, freedom and love just as much as anyone else. I am worth it.
I seriously cant believe how free I am of all the negativity I was feeling and how in control I am of myself and my reactions now.
I’ve already lost 15kgs and to be honest ive been upping my weights and training since the session.
Unlike in the past,now if I’m too tired I actually give my body the time it needs.
Im listening more to my body instead of the negative feelings or thoughts that caused my emotional eating and weight gain in the first place.
Never have I felt anything work like this has for me.
This has changed my life and future for the better.
Kath Sharp
Jim hartley NZ
One other thing since surrogating 5 year old Williams spirit that is autistic. First he was waking in the night and crying then at school. This morning at 5 am as clear as, William and I were talking and I was telling him not to cry as everyone is getting concerned now he has become my friend and I was talking about how much love he should be giving to everyone as this is his job now. So that finished. I was talking to his mum this evening and she said he didn’t cry but was hugging everyone and was so happy. She was so greatful and kind.
May every breath be a joy
Best wishes
Caroline H
I made an appointment to see Kalka as I was feeling lost, I felt I had no direction in my life and had no inner peace. This was causing me a lot of anxiety and affecting my self-confidence to the point where I was considering giving up on my university studies. I also had physical pain in my jaw I had tried massage and acupuncture and whilst these treatments did have some positive effect, the pain was still there. I felt there was more to the pain than just physical, I felt there was an emotional reason I was in pain and holding on to it. I had a Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka during which I felt a powerful transformation taking place. Certain issues that came up during the session made me realise the negative impact they were having on my life and I could see unhelpful patterns unfolding, reoccurring and now understood why I thought and acted as I did.
After the session on the drive home I felt stronger, taller and more in control of where I was going in life. I continued to process the session and within 12 hours the pain in my jaw was completely gone. As at today – I am more at peace with myself and the world, have the strength and confidence to move forward with my life (including any decisions I make as to where I would like to be in life). I have decided with confidence to continue with university and know that this is my life path and I have every right to be on it.
Caroline H
Hi Steve
Will definitely wants to see you again.
Will has changed so much from your session on the Sunshine Coast. Our trip to Sydney is solely for him to see you. He really wants to touch base with you.
Thanks for helping him change his life. The difference is nothing short of miraculous! He was on a path of self destruction that I thought would end in jail or death. I still can’t believe the change. I’ll be forever grateful.
Susan is a friend (as well as a student of yours!) so I made her practice on me!
I’m sure she will be back to one of your courses - she speaks very highly of you.
I went to Kalka to have a Steve Richards Dream Time Healing session after having had breast cancer and experiencing learning difficulties. I also discovered through unblocking that I gave away my power to easily in return for the hope that it would make people like / love me. Also discovered that being a “people pleaser” ( my mums description of me ) wasn’t the reason why I was teachers pet, I was teachers pet because they saw potential in me !
Kalka took me back to change the way events happened on my time line , I heard myself talking about events that I had never spoken about to anyone. Best thing ever as the treatment has not only made me stand strong and believe in my strength and my potential it removed my learning blocks . I was struggling with a course that I needed to pass to stay employed, I’m not only passing I’m kicking goals and have been spoken to regarding the possibility of progressing through the company I work for. During treatment Kalka removed an entity which I have carried since 12 months old , I feel light and so happy .
I highly recommend a Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka if you are suffering in any shape or form be it spiritual, physical or mental. My friends can’t get over the difference they see in me.
9 October 2019
I am so deeply grateful to Steve and Lisa, and the life-changing work of HK. Last week I reached a milestone I never would have thought possible 5 yrs ago..... I got my full drivers licence. I'd had epilepsy since I was 3, and had to go 2 yrs without a seizure, and that happened after my first HK session just over 3 yrs ago. I've just had my 60th birthday, but when I got my licence, I felt like I had made it... I got there... I got my licence!! I feel so deeply grateful, and deeply moved, that I have overcome the many things that were associated with how debilitating epilepsy was, how life was so limited. I can't explain or describe the changes in my life and what they mean to me. Just so deeply grateful and always will be. HK really is life-changing 💕
Brian K Lea.
My name is Brian and I welcome you on this beautiful journey I am about to share with you on my walk to recovery with Steve Richards dream time healing with holographic kinetics.
About 5 years ago I was working alongside a great team of hard working men at a roof tiling manufacturers company. That same year I had plans to join the Army in May 2014 after having tried 3 years to loose weight and finally one step away from getting in.
Unfortunately I had an argument with my girlfriend and crashed my car on my way to work in March 10th 2014 where I sustained a lower back and leg injury and at one point I was placed in a wheelchair which made me believe I wasn't ever gonna walk again.
At that moment I was trapped with the thought of not having a future by the external thoughts of others saying I'll never have a normal life which made sense to me because I was in excruciating pain.
Pain and medications lead me to overeating and gaining weight. I was no longer motivated to do anything for myself getting comfortable with my medical condition.In 2014 I joined a pentacostal church seeking a miracle to change my life around. But felt intimidated by the expectations of the church on how to live my life. I was frustrated and angry for letting myself go feeling down and depressed with my physical appearance with thoughts of committing suicide.
I met a girl friend through church in 2014 who committed suicide in 2015. I ended up in Mental Health a couple weeks later because of how much it hurt me that my friend had taken her life and I had the ripple affect of wanting to take my life too. My pain and frustrations, hate and insecurities destroyed me. I was discharged from the mental health facility 3 times in the years to fill with medications that numbed my brain without fixing or having a proper solution to fixing my problems.
I would self harm smashing a bottle over my head cracking my skull when I got angry.
I’d bash my face against the brick wall in the hospital requiring me to be put in a straight jacket.
it wasn't until I had a doctor's review with one of the treating doctor's at the Caboolture Mental Health a few weeks back. I stood on the scales and I weighed 151.10 kgs to be precise.
I was emotionally disturbed about it and after the appointment I drove to Hungry Jacks to buy me something to eat for comfort. I was furious when I got around to the drive through because I had forgotten my bank card at home. I drove away feeling ashamed and embarrassed.
Heavily medicated and not knowing what I was doing I drove passed a gym and stopped.
I could hardly get out of my car but knew I had to get inside to loose this weight.
I collapsed on the lounge and the gym manager said he will call somebody.
In walked Kalka.
He shook my hand and said you better come into my office. I was not expecting him but I trusted him.
He told me to lay on the floor and asked if he could do a Session on me. I agreed.
When he finished I stood up it was amazing.
Immediately I felt lighter my head was so clear. I asked him if I could hug him and he allowed me. To this day my family are amazed at my changes.
He told me it’s not over and for me to do a follow up session.
As part of protocol I had to go back for a further review at the hospital and the Doctor said they wanted to put me on a further 3 months mental program. I decline. I said I’ve had a Healing. They further questioned me and were astounded at the outcome.
They contacted Kalka and released me.
Kalka did a further Healing on me regarding my sexuality and weight.
No longer do I feel like taking my own life.I can speak freely on who I am.
I am calmer and very happy within myself.
Ive now been training with Kalka only two weeks and dropped from 151 kgs to 144 kgs.
Best of all I no longer take medications.
want to take this opportunity to thank the universe for bringing light back into my life where there was darkness and introducing me to a Steve Richards dream time Healing with holographic kinetics.
Thank you for the session Kalka forever grateful.
Brian K Lea.
David Cutajar
First of a very thank you to my healing practitioner Kalka Mitchell and founder of HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS using DREAMTIME HEALING elder Steve Richard's.
Kalka and myself go a long way back and I new when he came into my life again it was for a reason... I have had many issues in my life in which I could not face and release and turned to both illegal drugs and pharmaceutical drugs. Well that was my way of taking me away from the reality of it not knowing that my issues could be set free. From the trauma of my childhood. the passing of my father... relationships... my depression and anxiety to suicidal thoughts.
Well my healing was amazing... powerful like I have never experienced before... the outcome is absolutely amazing. I felt as if a ton had been lifted off my shoulders... the next few days and weeks of the defrag stage were just amazing...never have I felt like this in my 48 years of life... each day I seem to get elevated even more on this natural high called life in which I could never feel before with the drugs I have taken... A lot got released and now I feel as if I have broken the chain... the repeat of circles and situations are no longer happening as now my actions cause my reactions and I am so aware of this. I felt like I had many blockages in my veins and every time I came across a problem or situation, I would deal with it in my old way of thinking... WELL NOT NO MORE. These blockages are no longer there, and it feels like my blood is flowing full steam ahead... an amazing feeling. Just taking it all in and as doors close and chapters in my life close a lot are opening and it is very overwhelming. My work problems have seemed to clarify, and I am enjoying it now more than ever... it's amazing how people who see this me now come up and talk to me as they realize I am so happy all the time and so in tune with my mind, body and spirit. I can take about past traumas in my lift with no guilt or shame and no judgement. I haven’t been able to talk about my dad’s passing 20 years ago without breaking down and now I can.
My sister also had a healing done and we have never spoken to each other as we do now... it’s absolutely amazing and each day just keeps getting better and better. I look forward to life and my purpose here now more than ever. I've gone from abusing my body mentally and physically to feeding it nutrients and found the value in water as I have never been one to drink it only in a hot form in coffee which I no longer do. It's so pure and I am so in touch now with my dogs and mother nature.
My experience has been next to none and is absolutely priceless... I look forward to continuing my journey and attracting positive people whom are in tune with their inner self.
Very powerful and I cannot wait to my next healing and furthermore doing a course with Elder Steve Richard's and when that time is right, I know I will be guided to it.
DREAMTIME HEALING USING HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS is an absolute savior and I truly have never felt this way before.
David Cutajar
3 March at 00:10
I thought I would share the outcome of a session I did for a client the beginning of last April. A 34 year old woman came to me to clear several issues. One being that she was told she could not have children of her own, we addressed the issue with Spirit and changed timelines and a month later she became pregnant. In not taking on the beliefs of her own family to abort the child and the doctors saying the child would have birth defects she followed through with the pregnancy to have this baby. Last week she gave birth to a beautiful healthy 6lb 15oz Baby Girl Jolene Rae. Thank You Spirit and Thank You Steve for developing this amazing wonderful healing modality!❤️
27 Feb 2019
Holographic Kinetics is truly the most phenomenal healing modality I’ve ever come across! I’m 34 and have suffered from gut issues (among other things) since I was 4; bad gas, bloating and cramps. I’ve tried everything to fix it, pills, amino acids, various changes of diet, all with only momentary relief. At my first session the slight and constant broil feeling in my gut had vanished by the time I got off the table and has never returned! The bad gas, cramps and bloating, gone. I’ve been back for a second time to fix various other ailments and have just booked my third appointment. Can’t wait! Ivo you are a gifted HK practitioner and I can’t thank you enough! Also, thank you to Steve for creating Holographic Kinetics!
Best regards
Ceth; USA
Testimonial from client:
"I was a skeptic. Just the name “Holographic Kinetics” sounded so foreign to me, during a time when my focus was on simplicity... and seeking answers from within. Yet a deep intuitive part of myself whispered to leave the door cracked and learn more about where the practice came from and what it is. I began to research Steve Richards and was very impressed by the type of results that he was having with his clients. Steve has 1,000’s of cases of healing people through Holographic Kinetics: people struggling with mental illness, people repeatedly committing acts of violence and murder, to all types of obscure long standing illnesses.
It was clear that Ceth had no agenda as he freely answered my questions, with no pressure to participate in a session. Upon learning and researching, I decided to try my first session, attracted to the notion that Ceth was a facilitator between my Spirit and I. Ceth was not playing the role as any sort of “middle man” where he was the one interpreting or receiving the information. Ceth assists in identifying the issue, the age or lifetime the issue was created, and allows for my spirit to show me the moment in time the issue or negative belief was locked in. After my first session (and every subsequent session), what felt the most noteworthy was how I felt when I got off the table, directly after the session.
I have now experienced many sessions over the past 8 months, and I can confidently say, it is the most grounded, powerful, advanced modality I have ever come across. There were times I wanted to reject Holographic Kinetics, as many different belief systems were being pulled out from under me. Yet as I listened to my Spirit, gently bringing forth deeper Truths and exposing different traps I had blindly fallen into, I trusted the guidance of my Spirit. Never before have I felt so grounded and in touch with my Spirit. Holographic Kinetcs has allowed my Spirit to show me my creations in order to evolve. I am more rooted in what I believe in than ever before, in the most simple and profound way. Most of all, Holographic Kinetics has set me on my journey of taking full accountability as the Creator of my Reality.
I am deeply grateful for the way that Ceth has assisted and supported me on my journey with Holographic Kinetics. My life has been profoundly changed and I hope that this practice is able to reach more people who can greatly benefit from it.”
-Ember Rohlman
I would also like to thank Steve Richards for the modality of Holographic Kinetics. Over 10 years ago, working with my then partner John, I was able to heal permanently from schizophrenia, that I had been diagnosed with in my early 20s. Both John and I had trained in HK. It took 3 years, working once a week, for me to heal permanently from this debilitating mental illness. I had a childhood trauma background of ritual, mind control and sexual abuse, so I was healing from multiple symptoms. I am incredibly grateful to be free and am healing well. Thank you Steve and Lisa.
Avril UK
" I’d like to write a testimonial about my experience with the healing modality, Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics and offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to its founder, Steve Richards. For around 25 years I struggled with severe mental health issues with an ‘official’ diagnosis of Borderline personality disorder, clinical depression and severe anxiety where a cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs and traditional psychotherapy/ psychoanalysis only exasperated my problems. Two years before I found Holographic Kinetics, my Spirit found a way to reach me where I woke up one day and felt this incredible urge to find an alternative way to heal myself and I weaned myself off the medication I had been taking for 8 years. My journey to ‘awakening’ really kicked into overdrive at this point where there was no stopping my Spirit and I felt like I was in the driving seat for the first time in years. However, I still struggled with the pervasive and self-sabotaging thought processes which affected my whole outlook. I engaged in a number of different healing modalities which helped to a certain degree, such as acupuncture, Shiatsu, bodywork, energy healing, transformational breathing, but it felt like there was something missing to bring a sense of cohesiveness. Deep down I still felt worthless, insignificant, utterly powerless and super sensitive to my environment where others needs always came before my own. As a result, I was overly dependent on external circumstances for my inner happiness and I felt at the mercy of these external circumstances. No matter how much ‘healing’ I did, how many books or articles I pored over, gurus I ‘followed’, nothing really made sense on a level beyond intellectual for me and I never seemed to find the answers I was looking for, nor was I asking the right questions. I was going around and around in circles, always coming back to the same core issues which felt bigger every time I returned to them.
My heightened sensitivity and lack of understanding of the metaphysical and interdimensional forces at play led to a sustained period where I felt under ‘attack’ and I had no idea why or how to protect myself. Someone sent me a link to one of Steve’s videos on youtube and after the first video, I listened to all 14 and was absolutely captivated. Something clicked on a very deep level for me where I felt I had found what I was looking for. It was a couple of months before I felt ready to seek out a practitioner but I found a lady called Sally Carysforth who was a train ride away from me in Kent, UK – so I got in touch and arranged a session with her. The first session literally blew me away where we covered some huge issues in my life (around people pleasing, patterns of rejection and abandonment, handling triggers, needing people to like me, feeling insignificant…..many of the so called ‘indicators’ of the diagnosis of BPD). Although the session itself was powerful and I felt totally disorientated after, I knew something very profound had occurred. After a couple of days of ‘defragging’ where the changes that had taken place were being integrated on every level and dimension, there was a huge shift where I didn’t seem to have the same thoughts that were such a regular occurrence. My family noticed a big difference straight away where they said I seemed so much more comfortable in my skin, which rippled through for them too. Before they had a sense of walking on eggshells around me where they were afraid of triggering or upsetting me, so they were much more relaxed.
I went for a second session with Sally a couple of months later and we did even more groundbreaking work. Just after two sessions, I can honestly say I felt like a different person where I didn’t fit the criteria for BPD anymore.
For ages I had a feeling I wanted to study a healing modality but I couldn’t seem to find anything that resonated. I found a course I really wanted to do but couldn’t afford it. Literally 2 weeks after my first session with Sally, I received an unexpected windfall where I was able to do my course after all. When I was freed from so much stuff that had weighed me down for so many years, things started to change in a really dramatic way where opportunities were landing in my lap. I’ve never seen myself as a ‘lucky’ person but it felt like the universe was opening up to allow some joy and abundance in. Then I started to think I’d like to go a training course in Holographic Kinetics as it had helped me more than anything else I’ve ever done….but I couldn’t afford it. As soon as I put the intention out, I received another unexpected windfall and found out it was exactly enough to cover the course!
So I registered on the 7 day course that Steve and Lisa were running in London and things have totally shifted since then. The actual course is so well put together and it was such an honour to witness the groundbreaking changes that were happening right in front of me. The training is delivered to such a high standard and it felt like we were in very safe and capable hands. I’m very excited about the possible applications of Holographic Kinetics and the broad spectrum of issues it can assist with. It’s an honour to have been taught by Steve and Lisa where the teaching quality is world class.
Just 2 weeks after the HK course, I found the perfect house in the countryside which I’d been looking for since a year – it was literally like all my intentions have come to pass and my reality was shifting to accommodate my dreams which were in alignment with my Spirit.
This modality continues to astound me, daily, where it’s been so magical to be able to tune into my Spirit and feel more of a sense of alignment. Since I have been trusting this inner guidance more, I have felt more alive than I ever have. The insights and lessons I have received have been coming thick and fast and I feel I have learned more in the past 6 months than my whole life or any lifetime. One of the best aspects to all this has been observing the changes that are happening not just with me, but with my close family. Some of the work that I have done through HK has helped clear some ancestral trauma going back through the genetic line, so I am observing changes in my family through the work I have done. At first this seemed a bit ‘far out’ to me but there is no denying that this work has reverberated through to my family in a positive and transformational way. Even my Mum and my sister (who were quite sceptical about this sort of thing before) both went for a session with Sally as they had noticed such huge changes in me. So we have been healing as a family which has greatly accelerated my own healing journey as it has brought us closer together.
I am so grateful to Steve, Lisa, Sally and everyone I have met through Holographic Kinetics. And Spirit of course for helping guide me here after many years of hapless wandering! If there is anyone reading this with any mental health issues (as this is how it has helped me) and you are considering a session and feel ready to make some big changes, just go for it! Your Spirit will thank you and it will be the biggest gift you could ever give yourself.
Avril E. UK"
My Testimonial
Mic White.
4 months ago I joined the gym, I wasn’t sure why or what I was doing. But it was something I thought I needed, what I didn’t expect was for my life to change in such a large way.
As I blundered away trying and learning how to use the machines, I would get a shout of encouragement or advise from this fella who was always there at crazy hours of the morning. There was something about Kalka that made me feel at ease and more motivated to go to the gym. (still not knowing why)
I’ve been very angry, doubtful and unbeknownst to most people unconfident in myself, family abandonment also caused a lot of burden for myself. I was lost and struggled knowing who I was. So for many years I punished myself and had a constant noise in my head and weight on my shoulders.
After a few chats with Kalka and probably because I felt really comfortable with him (also odd for me) I asked about Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics sessions.
I was nervous and a little sceptical before the session, but the feelings and energy floating around the room was something I’d never experienced before. When we finished I could only sit with my mouth wide open. I felt light, clear and very different. It’s been a couple months since our session and I feel amazing. My past is not upsetting me nor am I using it as an excuse. I don’t feel angry or on edge now so I can concentrate on my goals and family.
This journey has changed how I look at and value life, the buzz and excitement is back again and I’m loving it.
I’m still bumbling around the gym, but learning a lot and feeling great, and best of all the shouts of encouragement and advice are still there when needed.
I would like to thank Kalka for the support and conducting a Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics session on me.
I encourage others to have a Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics session as it will help you make changes to your life.
Kind Regards ,
Mick White
Donna Cerame USA
Wanted to share this text message I received yesterday from a client I worked with on Thursday, 12/13.
Lisa Marie (yep - that’s her name :))) first came for a session 2-1/2 years ago. She’s had four sessions since, spread out as issues arose. Her first session was to address agoraphobia and a fear of flying so she could attend her closest friend’s wedding which required she travel by plane. She also wanted to address her drinking problem. After her session, I didn’t hear from her for a year. (She is the person I told you and Lisa about who, after clearing her grandmother, called the following day to see if she could ‘get her back’ as she missed her.) One year later, I received a text message telling me how she’d been traveling a lot since her session and was no longer having panic attacks. Other issues emerged and we worked together several times in the past 18 months.
Lisa Marie contacted me this past week after losing a close friend to a drug overdose several weeks ago. This event triggered disabling panic attacks which have caused her to be unable to work . We scheduled this Thursday.
In her session, Lisa cleared the spirit of a mother in a past life whom she’d killed in a fit of rage (she’s had a very difficult relationship with a mentally unstable mother in this lifetime), the spirit of child a friend had murdered and she’d helped to cover up, and the dimension where she’d raped someone to feel powerful. Her testimony below is the result of her intention to finally go to those dimensions where the issues were set up. (We’d addressed some of these issues before but with my continued growth and depth of understanding, as well as her own, the results are evidenced here.)
This client is a social worker and sees a therapist herself. In the 15 years she herself has been a counselor, and in the 22 years she herself has been in therapy, she said she has never been able to get even close to the causes of her misery. She has stated she plans on studying HK in the near future and will be telling her counselors and peers about this work.
Thank you Steve, (and Lisa) for the privilege to work in this capacity. With each session, I am humbled by the work we all do with our Spirits. I cannot imagine ‘not’ doing this and you have made this possible.
With my most heartfelt appreciation,
Hi Ivo
Just wanted to let you know how much i appreciate the HK session and let you know how things are going . Definitely still feel much lighter and calmer like I'm watching myself from the inside ! Still enjoying some sweet food but don't have those intense cravings.My health is improving, blood tests have shown the liver enzymes are reducing and i am reducing the medication . I even heard myself telling my sister law, after a chat about my mum, that i had a new mum that who really cared about how i felt, there was no upset feelings afterwards .So again thanks so much Ivo , HK would be so beneficial to many people!!
kind regards Jo Underwood
My testimonial Kelly
16 /12/ 2018
Hi my name is Kelly I am 33 years old. I first meet Kalka when I walked into the gym a very unhappy overweight woman. I knew that things had to change as I am a mother of two beautiful girls. I started training with Kalka to essentially lose weight, but when I started training with Kalka he told me my body wouldn’t change as there was trauma that had contributed to the weight I had become. Kalka spoke about Steve Richards’ Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics and explained to me by having a healing it would assist me to make changes to my lifestyle and I would then understand the decisions that I make in life lead to the point where I was to
I remember the day of my healing feeling nervous scared and didn’t know what to expect. I gave Kalka 4 issues which affect me for the session. I will never forget the way I felt when I saw my life differently for the first time and now view myself differently. I had now realised how my life’s journey, from early childhood to my marriage ending, how that trauma had effected me. When I walked outside from my healing, I remember just looking at trees and the sky and how now I could see objects in a way I had never seen before.
A few days after my healing, I remember feeling so emotional as my body was finally letting go of the trauma that had caused me so much pain and gain weight. I remember having a conversation with my friend and instead of reacting to things she was saying I was now at point zero and it wasn’t going to bother me or myself take it on. I remember just observing and talking but not reacting. It’s such a hard thing to explain but to know that spirit has showed me and guided me to the point I am today.
So after a few months and training with Kalka and still continuing my journey with spirit, I am my old happy self again I have lost 12 kilos in 4 months my body has changed by 3 dress sizes and I now look at life through different eyes. Still continuing my journey with Kalka and not letting anything to change me, I stay at point zero and learn how to react and deal with life differently. I am still going through my marriage ending and coping with being a single mum but I am now stronger and have the skills and knowledge on how to react to what life throws at me. I want to thank spirit for guiding me to meeting.
I have included my before and after photos so hopefully someone else too like me is inspired and takes the initiative to start their journey with Steve Richards’ Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics.
Sandra Bolognia
Nov 2017
Here is a note from my client 5 days ( and 30 days) after our first HK session where the major issues were sleep disturbance : "Just to follow up Sandra.....after the session I experienced several days of extreme exhaustion....just wanted to sleep. My sleep is feeling deep, restful. I feel calm, at peace, very empowered.....I feel that my speech and expression is easier. I paint and two days ago I painted en elephant....never painted an animal before. I put it on FB yesterday. Thanks Sandra”
Now she just called today one month later : I just received a call today ( Dec 19, one month later) from a client who wanted to tell me she has such good results after one HK session. Her issues were: relationship with daughter, knee pain, sleep disturbance. After much redirecting headspace to spirt and time her least issue which of course was spirits top issue.. was resolved.. the other two issues were brief after that. She called to tell me that the time spent with the daughter was the best ever. Her knees do not hurt and her doctor offered her a free stem cell treatment and now her cartlidge is growing back. Her sleep issue was resolved. We have another believer.
Nichola Hilson
I am 54 years old finding that my life seemed to be repeating situations feeling trapped walking around a game board and landing on the same square reacting with tears and frustration and thoughts of ending my life as life, situations seemed so hard at times, I would meet the same archetype’s who had a negative effect leading to me closing myself off from most people. Suspecting for numerous years something was not right and researching I came across Steve Richards his program hit a chord, I deciding to make a appointment with Tom Blake one of Steve’s’ students.
When I had made the appointment outside factors tried to put obstacles in my path this also included a break halfway though my session with Tom.
Two attachments were brought forward during the session I clearly saw past life memories I felt I had to fight through these memories until I encountered a wall which broke away accessing a ‘root memory’ a picture of a tribal village and myself as a 14 year old boy. Tom changed the story within this timeline, seeing myself as a tribal boy walk away with my parents turning to smile at my future self. I have since seen myself as this tribal adult smiling and helping teach children showing them how to access a higher vibration, being one with the nature of the planet and using/trusting their own power coming from within.
To change the above Tom removed the being, which had introduced the negative situation. I saw even with my eyes closed a blue-eyed reptile moving away,
I was shaking after the session and the following 48 hours I had to go and walk on untreated grass and areas where trees give natural shade and wildlife thrive, my body detoxed over the following two weeks and I slept, I felt lighter and had a clear mind. I do not wake up at 3 o clock in the morning feeling drained and not being able to go back to sleep, changes in life pattern have occurred I have been able to meet people with similar views and insights, before I always felt I was on my own and different not being able to share what I can see and feel, I now know I am not alone.
I will be enrolling on the course to learn these methods so many people can benefit it is natural and accesses ancient knowledge which has been unfortunately either forgotten or removed from society.
I thank Tom for his help and will be promoting him and Holographic Kinetics.
Nichola Hilson
Hi Ivo
Jo Underwood
Just wanted to let you know how much i appreciate the HK session and let you know how things are going . Definitely still feel much lighter and calmer like I'm watching myself from the inside ! Still enjoying some sweet food but don't have those intense cravings.My health is improving, blood tests have shown the liver enzymes are reducing and i am reducing the medication . I even heard myself telling my sister law, after a chat about my mum, that i had a new mum that who really cared about how i felt, there was no upset feelings afterwards .So again thanks so much Ivo , HK would be so beneficial to many people!!
kind regards
Jo Underwood
Krista Christensen
Firstly I wanted to thank you both for our Ad.HK training. I am looking forward to the next round in November. We have seen some really positive changes in my son Ethan which has been amazing so thank you both. I needed to ask if you have someone you recommend in Sydney to conduct a healing on.
Krista Christensen
CYLP Administration Officer
28 October at 12:58
What a day lol. Port Douglas Barrier Reef run it was hard even though it was 10km. 5km on sand my legs killed me hahaha. Smashed a min and half of my 10km last weekend that was all flat ground super happy to finish in 1hr 12 mins. Luv my Deadly Runners Family. I would also like to give thanks Steve Richards Holographic Kinetics and Kalka Mitchell for turning my life around to make opportunities like this possible.#RunSweatInspire.
Maja from Croatia
This is Maja from Croatia, my husband Kruno emailed you a few days ago asking for a session. You redirected him to Nenad in Croatia or Sally in UK.
I have completed a HK course in UK with Sally few weeks ago and have no words to describe how deeply it is changing my life.
Just incredible. Deepest. Amazing. I actually do nothing other in any free moment but read and listen all I can find online. I am totally amazed by universal informations from your scripts, videos, posts...by all that I feel changing inside my being. It`s been almost a month after the course and I feel it is just starting. Feeling resonance with some ancient knowledge I haven`t been ever aware of. Feeling it all totally beyond the words you have written there. Wouldn`t even call it reading, it is more of asimilating a knowledge through something else but eyes and brain. Wow. I felt a need to thank you from the deepest of my heart. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Byron Bay
A huge thank you to Steve Richards and Holographic Kinetics. Since my first HK course, I have seen profound healing take place in my life. Before HK I was anxious appearing strong on the surface, often giving my power away and looking to the outside for answers. I used to suffer from chronic fatigue for several years and was overcoming a break up when I found HK. Since then, I understand what was taking place for those things to occur and how to change it. Now I feel peace in my life, healthy in my body and who I am. Building a strong connection to my own Spirit has been the best thing I’ve ever done. As my understating of universal laws of LORE deepens and I practice more, HK and Spirit continues to hand me more gifts and missing links. I am always grateful to be in the presence of Steve, to learn from him by simply being in his presence. Learning too from his stories, language and teachings, all adding to an empowered life.
Steve, I am very grateful and I look forward to learning more step by step.
Byron Bay
Kathryn deNiverville
Hi Steve,
In August 2017 in Edmonton you worked with Cindy May as a surrogate to clear trauma from right whales who have been killed by blunt force trauma ( being hit by boats), entangled by nets, noise pollution, radiation, starvation, etc. Last year many of this endangered species were killed in the Canadian and US waters off the east coast.
This summer I have been following the media and there have been no more deaths to report. There are still issues such as food supply of plankton but the Dept. Of Fisheries in both countries are making changes. The lobster and crab fishermen here in the Bay of Fundy are co-operating ( many unwillingly ) with taking better care of fishing line and nets .
Thanks once more for your help!
Kathryn deNiverville
Cara Munn
The client one day at age 30 woke up with a ringing in one of her ears, the doctors said that there was nothing they could do for it so it was something she would have to live with and hope that one day it disappears.
On having the client lay in a comfortable position I then asked for permission from spirit and was granted. Spirit took me back to where the client was a new student in a new school in a new country where she didn’t speak the same language and she wasnt wanting to be there as everyone would laugh at her for getting words wrong and the teacher wasn’t helping her and she couldn’t understand what’s going on so she decides she can’t communicate or be heard or be accepted....
I then had her externalise that stuck energy for a more accepting scene where she felt comfortable in the new school environment and was being heard and communicating clearly and asked spirit to take me back in time to when this was first triggered and spirit took me to great great grandmother on mums side to a scene where her and her husband are walking along and they are having a nice time as they don’t do it very often but he is just rambling on about nothing and she actually wants to be talking about their relationship and more meaningful things but is too scared to ruin the moment by bringing it up so once again locks in not being heard or being accepted to communicate.. so I got her spirit to let go of the energy and change for a more accepting scene. It also turns out the clients mother also has a ringing in her ear (so will be interesting to know if hers disappeared)
But the client a week or two later messaged me to say she no longer had the ringing in her ear ...
Thanks Cara
Hi Steve,
I took Aidan to Donna yesterday and he did awesome on the table. :). Donna was amazing in conducting the session and I will keep both you and Donna updated on any changes. Many of the dimensions addressed I could totally relate to as to how things were playing out here at home. Thank You again for teaching this amazing healing modality.
Much Love,
Alisha Pearson.
5/10 2018
Have you ever thought of waking up with no pain, no anger, no anxiety, no depression, no cravings to eat junk food or not even the urge to drink a single drop of alcohol again.
I personally have been thankful enough not to suffer from anxiety or depression but as for the rest I can say I've had my fair share of dealings with.
For most of my life I have grown up angry ready to fight anybody at anytime and never known why.
I could sit and drink a bottle of anything to myself and then some with ease.
For me growing up and running around doing this and worse was the normal for me.
Working the daily grind suffering day in and day out,downing pain killers coming home drinking of a night and eating anything and everything was easy.Smashing myself so I could then go to bed and sleep as I would be totally exhausted. Nothing I tried would fix any of this.
I have done fitness sports for years boxing Mauy Thai running and trying to keep fit while I was just grinding myself further and further in to an endless pit of exhaustion.
Untill the day I met Kalka.
I had my first Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics session.
I was so unsure as to what was going to happen.
Not a lot scares me but this day I will admit I was a little scared as I was not sure as to what was going to happen.
My healing went for just around an hour and a half which felt more like 20mins.
I arose from my healing feeling so cleansed.I was seeing everything in a whole different way. Everything became clearer I felt lighter.
To this day I still feel so content and so happy.
I have now completely stopped drinking alcohol to escape reality and have no urges to do so again.
I also had weight issues looked at and have lost 10kg since my healing and that is with no gym work and minimal exercise just healthy eating. Have you every just wanted to wake up and be happy?
Well now I do.
Kalka said to me nothing ever has to be the way it was. Now I understand what that means.
If you have ever felt like your ready to be happy wake up with no anxiety, no depression, no anger,alcohol free and want a healthier life style, I can not recommend Steve Richards Dream Time Healing highly enough.
Thank you Steve and Kalka.
For anyone reading this please contact them you do not have to be the way you are anymore.
Alisha Pearson.
Majette Danowicz
July 2018
Another Great Testimonial from a client now a student from a session with one of our advanced practitioners . Thank you Tom S & practitioner Majette Danowicz
Photo 1: 12 July 2015 Left Eye starting to change
Photo 2 :later that day , now admitted to Flinders hospital stroke ward
Photo 3: Day 3 in hospital
Photo 4: learning to live with one eye
Photo 5: 4 weeks after my Holographic Kinetics session
Photo 6 : 6 weeks after Holographic Kinetics session ( with Majette)
Holographic Kinetics testimonial – Tom Sanderson 2015
Through 2014 into 2015 I was struggling with; the breakdown of my marriage involving two young children, an extended period of work stress and to top it off, the passing of my mother in May 2015.
In July 2015 I experienced the spontaneous paralysis of my left eye. Simply put, my left pupil progressively dilated, the eyeball tilted and then rolled over to one side and ceased to move at all. Despite the left eye being paralysed and diverging from the right eye, I was still able to clearly see through it however the image was from the left of my body and rotated about 45 degrees. I was simultaneously seeing two images overlayed on each other. My brain processed both images at the same time causing complete disorientation, vertigo and nausea. If I attempted to walk with both eyes open, the images would move independently in different directions. My brain, overwhelmed at that point, would involuntarily collapse my legs resulting in me being dumped safely on the ground. Despite my smiles in the photos, the first few weeks involved extreme pain behind my eye in addition to the other symptoms.
12 July 2015 when I first noticed changes I was admitted into Flinders Hospital emergency then shortly after moved into the Stroke Ward where I underwent testing and observation for 11 days. I had daily tests and observations under a team of neurologists. This included multiple Cat scans, MRI’s, blood tests, 2 lumbar punctures and more. I learned that while the known causes for my condition were head trauma, meningitis, stroke, brain tumour or brain aneurism, none of these were present. The doctors and neurologists were unable to explain why this had occurred at all. I attempted many times to describe the stress I was under for over a year but was consistently told this was “a physiological issue and stress has nothing to do with it”. Despite extensive testing, after 11 days I was sent home with a blanket acknowledgement that no-one could explain the cause of my injury. The only treatment was a prescription for 80mg of Prednisolone steroids each day to “see if it does anything”. I was told that the eye “could” recover or it may be permanent. I was told any recovery could take from 12 months to 3 years. Thankfully after a few weeks I was able to stop taking prednisolone, as yes, it did nothing.
I had to adapt instantly to living with one eye. I returned to work the next Monday wearing a patch which was very challenging. At this point, my close friend Eddie asked if I would be interested in a session of Holographic Kinetics. He highly recommended seeing Majette (Adelaide HK practitioner) and I will forever be grateful for this experience. While the exact details at this point are a little sketchy I can distinctly remember 2 major emotional issues which were cleared and have never bothered me since that time.
About four to six weeks after seeing Majette I regained very minor movement of my left eye. About six to eight weeks after seeing Majette I regained near complete use of the eye. The only residual deficit that remains is a delayed response when my pupil responds to light.In follow up examinations, neither the senior neurologist or ophthalmologist could explain at all what they both agreed was one of the quickest recoveries from this condition they had observed or were aware of.
Flinders hospital records would be able to verify all statements made.
Finally, in July 2018 I completed my first week of HK training, thank you Steve, Lisa, Aboriginal ancestors, people and wisdom, thank you Spirit.
Just a very small sample of testimonials from some of our students of recent courses :
“This course has easily surpassed all of my expectations, the value for money is amazing, second to none” Mic. MC Glasshouse Mountains QLD
“The value for money this course offers is incomparable, I will always be grateful for the opportunity” Ryan Rockhampton QLD”
“ This is the course to do if you want to step out of your limitations and step into your possibilities” Yasmin .R Brisbane QLD
“This Course is the key to healing, easily accessible tools people can use on themselves and others. Absolute value for money”
Martin. W Brisbane QLD
“The exchange for knowledge and value for money is priceless” Marina. P QLD
“The HK training experience in Jersey City was trans-formative. Your talk on our Wednesday noon, where you shared your insights from aborigines and down through today, validated the time I have spent researching (when few around me understand this) and connected several dots for me.
That it was a well spent 7 days is an understatement.” Thomas.G NJ. USA
“ Thank you Steve and Lisa this was a beautiful, powerful and amazing course.” Edward. M Adelaide S.A
“totally life changing - i have always said "integrity is everything" and in my experience of healing, Steve and Lisa set the bar in this regard”
Tom. S Adelaide S.A
“What a wonderful experience! A big huge thank you to all!
I am feeling so free and connected to spirit.
The manuals are full of interesting information and are a great support.
It's all coming together as Steve and Lisa said it would. Yipee!
Much love to all.
Loving HK!
Vistara B Perth WA
My testimonial
Steve B
8th Sept 2018
To get some understanding I spent the better part of my life deep in the Christian belief system. I constantly felt guilty about my choices, my "sins" and how these had affected others in my life. I had also previously been victim of many types of abuse as an adult including sexual abuse as a child.
I struggled with terrible body image and eating disorders that only ruined my body further and further. I had also recently discovered my own story of indigenous heritage in my family, which was a "secret family shame" that I wasn't to talk about or I'd be punished by a certain relative.
I had some things in life kind of lining up for me that lead for me to know that I needed this healing. I knew that I needed to move on from my past. I was sick of always feeling like I did. I simply didn't want to be here anymore.
I had tried numerous Christian healing courses, even supposed deep spiritual healing. I saw all these testimonies from people who had attended HK sessions with Kalka.
I decided to do some more research into Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics understand what it was, how it worked via his website.
So I decided to contact Kalka and talk to him about HK as he is someone whom i have a deep respect for.
I booked in my session. During these HK session I was completely aware of my surroundings.I was totally aware of what was happening as went way back to my early childhood. Trauma I couldn't normally remember.
There were astonishing events during the healing which blew me away. Afterwards I felt lighter than I ever felt in my whole life. Like my life was just about actions and reactions. It was as though the stories which plagued me and tormented me are now rewritten. Like my spirit was reset at a zero point in a pendulum no longer stuck in this pain of action reaction.
I understood that my life, my family, and my timeline were mine and nothing now will enter my body without my permission.
I know that this is where I plan to live now.
This is my new timeline and I am in control of my thoughts and body now.
I'm the observer of life.
I am the owner and actively making choices to make sure my Spirit stays at this point zero.
When I went home after the Healing I walked into my yard barefoot and I immediately felt this rush of energy rush over me. I looked up at the sky and it was like it was the first time I had seen the sky. My vision felt different.In fact my whole body was tingling hand to toe.
I spoke with Kalka and asked is this normal??
Kalka expressed that this was my ancestors acknowledgment to my spirit.
Since the Steve Richards Dream Time Healing with Holographic Kinetics session I have never felt more alive. I am focused with laser accuracy on my lifestyle change and choices especially on my dietary intake and my exercise. I am now training with Kalka back at the gym and this time I actually enjoy being in there.
There have been conflicts, but I have been active in what I will and won't accept onto my timeline and into my game. I have been more active with my family life. I spend time each day walking and grounding and thanking spirit for where I am now in life and where I am going.
For once in my life I am truly excited about the next steps in my physical and mental journey.
Steve B
6th August 2018
Hello my name is Dakota, I am 15 years old and have suffered from anxiety and depression issues for 6 years, i have been diagnosed with PTSD I have been a self harmer for 5 years, I have been cutting myself wondering why and how come, nothing ever felt like it was getting better!! Then my mum had a Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka. She was also training with Kalka and I saw so many changes with her that I wanted to feel free the way she did, so I decided it was time for my session!!
Following my Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka, I was able to let go of pain and trauma I had been living with, I was able to see where my pain was coming from and why I was hurting myself!! I can happily say I haven’t cut myself since the session, being able to allow my twin who passed while we were in the womb to be free has now freed me from hurting myself! It’s been 7 weeks free of cutting myself, my anxiety and depression levels have dropped dramatically and I no longer see my Counsellor weekly!!
I have never communicated very well with either my dad or mum I had a lot of built up anger and and confusion towards them, thanks to my Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka I was able to go back to a time when this confusion and distrust began, since this I have been able to communicate better with both my parents and am starting to spend more and more time with my father at his house doing things with him!!
Anger confusion and distrust is all I knew, now I’m not so quick to anger, I am not as confused with life anymore and I am starting to trust people more and more!!
Learning who I am and how to be free of this pain and hurt has been the most amazing feeling!!
Before my Steve Richards' Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session, I never attended school, I didn’t eat, I would lock myself away in my room away from my Mum and the whole world,
Now I attend schools 3 out of the four days a week sometimes the four days, I eat breakfast lunch and dinner every day now, I no longer lock myself away from the world when I have a problem I talk to my mum and try work things out, and the best part is I don’t hurt myself anymore!! Not cutting myself has been such a release of pain for myself and my family!! I have lost 14 kilos since my healing and I feel healthy!!
Enkey Helen Winter .
I could never be more grateful to Steve and Lisa
I sometimes think what life was before Holographic Kinetics and feel a sense of immense gratitude.
The relentless searching for an “answer” years of reading any material I could get my hands on.
After my Hk experience and aligning with spirit all that went away.
Spirit knew that this was it.
Hk changed my whole life on so many levels physically spiritually. My family benefited so much my need to be liked and please everyone and make myself the martyr went away.
My many illnesses and all the depression went away.
On my first session I had will the lovely and amazing Sally Carysforth I hadn’t smiled or laughed for a year and a half.
I was under attack on such a scale that the interdimentional didn’t even bother to hide themselves anymore.
I thought I would never have a normal life and that everything was over.
After my very first session I laughed for an entire week not only did I laugh I also cried in gratitude.
The relief was immense on so many levels. By the time I had my second session and then the course my entire life changed all seemed to happen all fell into place. So much was healed.
I offer my immense gratitude to Lisa Marie and Steve Richards for the amazing life changing groundbreaking and utterly beautiful modality.
I get so emotional sometimes just thinking of the help and relief because of Hk so many people like me are receiving.
So much gratitude for the founder to have dreamed and created Holographic Kinetics.
And for the knowledge passed down by the beautiful Australian aboriginals the original people. I now know what dream time healing truly means.
Thank you Steve Richards for dreaming such a beautiful modality to help so many.
What a beautiful spirit you are!
Thu, 26 Jul. 2018
Jenny Airs
My name is Jenny Airs. I needed help with losing weight and improving my mental health. I had been on diets, joined gyms that I went to a couple of times but lost interest. I saw psychologists but nothing seemed to work.
A friend of mine went through life changing events. She lost lots of weight and looked the happiest I had seen her in years. I could not believe the changes that I was seeing in her. I questioned how she done all this as I wanted to make changes in my life as well. We talked about it and she told me that there was a particular person named Kalka Mitchell who was helping her to lose the weight. I wanted to meet this Kalka Mitchell as I was struggling to make any changes in my life and if he could help her I wanted to see how he could help me. I made the phone call to Kalka Mitchell. I started training with him at the gym. He taught me about healthy eating and exercise and I have never looked back. I have lost 16kg following his healthy eating regime. I went from a size 16-18 clothes to sizes 10-12. My body is becoming more and more toned with Kalka’s training sessions. I don’t avoid looking at myself in the mirror anymore as I like what I see.
To assist me through the trauma of being part of the stolen generation I experienced Steve Richards’ Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics sessions with Kalka. I was taken from my mother at the age of 7 therefore experienced a loss of culture and family connection. The changes I have experienced have been positive. I’d recommend that anyone struggling with life’s issues try a Steve Richards’ Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session.
Jenny Airs
26th July 2018
Ruth Oliver
Dear Steve,
Thanks for this email. I'll try not to take up too much of your time. I've been intending to email you for a while, all the time with more to tell/ ask you. First to give you something for your testimonial, you are welcome to abbreviate it.
About a week before the course I kept asking myself- 'Why do I want to do it? I hope I'm not asked'. I reckon it was spirit that guided me to the course, but how can the unaware (as I was to some extent) explain or know this? Also, before the course, I used to be jealous of people who said that 'a course changed their lives' as well of the fewer people who would say 'everything in my life lead to and prepared me for this'. I can honestly say both are true for me. Even the book I had just finished reading before the course- Rudolph Steiners 'Theosophy' helped prepare me for the course. The course itself. Friendly, caring, thorough, gentle, powerful. It certainly does take time to assimilate the changes after treatments. My mind was so much clearer- less mind chatter. With time, if allowed, the chatter returns but on different topics then I stop myself and say 'do I want to carry on creating this? No!' and I blow it off. Reading your books about universal law - this is what should be taught at school and in the home from birth. What a different world this would be if we truely did treat others as we would like to be treated. Many many thanks to Steve and Lisa.
22nd July 2018
Kylie barr
Testimonial for Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics course.
I attended the Brisbane Body Mind Spirit Expo earlier this year. I had previously decided not to attend because I had been to many other spiritual fairs and expos over the past 6 months and thought ‘they’re all the same so I won’t bother’. Unexpectedly, my sister rang me and asked if I would go to the Brisbane convention centre with her. She wanted to go to the home show and offered that I might like to go to the BMS expo while I was up there. I accepted as we don’t do much together, and in the back of my mind I thought ‘maybe I’m meant to go’.
When I arrived, I walked up and down the aisles 3 or 4 times each and found nothing of interest to me. Disheartened, I stopped in the middle of the room, and said out loud ‘why am I here today?’ I felt drawn to go right, I looked up and my eyes locked on the Aboriginal flag with Healing Spirit printed on it and something in me (my Spirit) just knew ‘this is why I am here today!’ I walked up to the stall, I asked for a brochure and I went outside to read it. I had never heard of Holographic Kinetics before but as I was reading it, every ounce of me knew that I must learn about this healing modality. Interestingly, on the front page of the brochure it said course teaching in Brisbane in 2 weeks time. Thankyou spirit! I signed up the next day.
The week long course flew by and I loved every minute of it. A heap of stuff was cleared during that week and I felt massive changes in myself and saw changes in the other students around me. HK really works!! I also continued to feel changes in the weeks that followed.
Steve and Lisa were fantastic during the course, as were the students/practitioners that assisted them. I have completed another HK course since and look forward to attending more HK courses in the future.
This course has changed my life. Not only has it improved my wellbeing, but my awareness has grown so much in so many ways. I am aware that I create the realities in my life and I’m aware of my reactions to situations that arise.. physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I am aware of beliefs, assumptions and programming. I am aware of different games. I am aware of spirits and interdimensional beings. I am aware of Lore. I am aware there is no right and no wrong, just balance. I am aware that I will never stop learning. I am aware that I don’t need to look for answers outside of myself. And so much more..
I am ever so grateful to Steve for the creation and teaching of Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics. I am grateful to Lisa for all her support and patience. You guys make a great team. Thank you both. I’d also like to thank all the students/practitioners that assist at the courses.
I am exceptionally proud and honoured to be a part of HK.
Kylie Barr
Avril Egan
15th July 2018
I’d like to write a testimonial about my experience with the healing modality, Official Dreamtime Healing with Holographic Kinetics and offer my sincere thanks and gratitude to its founder, Steve Richards. For around 25 years I struggled with severe mental health issues with an ‘official’ diagnosis of Borderline personality disorder, clinical depression and severe anxiety where a cocktail of pharmaceutical drugs and traditional psychotherapy/ psychoanalysis only exasperated my problems. Two years before I found Holographic Kinetics, my Spirit found a way to reach me where I woke up one day and felt this incredible urge to find an alternative way to heal myself and I weaned myself off the medication I had been taking for 8 years. My journey to ‘awakening’ really kicked into overdrive at this point where there was no stopping my Spirit and I felt like I was in the driving seat for the first time in years. However, I still struggled with the pervasive and self-sabotaging thought processes which affected my whole outlook. I engaged in a number of different healing modalities which helped to a certain degree, such as acupuncture, Shiatsu, bodywork, energy healing, transformational breathing, but it felt like there was something missing to bring a sense of cohesiveness. Deep down I still felt worthless, insignificant, utterly powerless and super sensitive to my environment where others needs always came before my own. As a result, I was overly dependent on external circumstances for my inner happiness and I felt at the mercy of these external circumstances. No matter how much ‘healing’ I did, how many books or articles I pored over, gurus I ‘followed’, nothing really made sense on a level beyond intellectual for me and I never seemed to find the answers I was looking for, nor was I asking the right questions. I was going around and around in circles, always coming back to the same core issues which felt bigger every time I returned to them.
My heightened sensitivity and lack of understanding of the metaphysical and interdimensional forces at play led to a sustained period where I felt under ‘attack’ and I had no idea why or how to protect myself. Someone sent me a link to one of Steve’s videos on youtube and after the first video, I listened to all 14 and was absolutely captivated. Something clicked on a very deep level for me where I felt I had found what I was looking for. It was a couple of months before I felt ready to seek out a practitioner but I found a lady called Sally Carysforth who was a train ride away from me in Kent, UK – so I got in touch and arranged a session with her. The first session literally blew me away where we covered some huge issues in my life (around people pleasing, patterns of rejection and abandonment, handling triggers, needing people to like me, feeling insignificant…..many of the so called ‘indicators’ of the diagnosis of BPD). Although the session itself was powerful and I felt totally disorientated after, I knew something very profound had occurred. After a couple of days of ‘defragging’ where the changes that had taken place were being integrated on every level and dimension, there was a huge shift where I didn’t seem to have the same thoughts that were such a regular occurrence. My family noticed a big difference straight away where they said I seemed so much more comfortable in my skin, which rippled through for them too. Before they had a sense of walking on eggshells around me where they were afraid of triggering or upsetting me, so they were much more relaxed.
I went for a second session with Sally a couple of months later and we did even more groundbreaking work. Just after two sessions, I can honestly say I felt like a different person where I didn’t fit the criteria for BPD anymore.
For ages I had a feeling I wanted to study a healing modality but I couldn’t seem to find anything that resonated. I found a course I really wanted to do but couldn’t afford it. Literally 2 weeks after my first session with Sally, I received an unexpected windfall where I was able to do my course after all. When I was freed from so much stuff that had weighed me down for so many years, things started to change in a really dramatic way where opportunities were landing in my lap. I’ve never seen myself as a ‘lucky’ person but it felt like the universe was opening up to allow some joy and abundance in. Then I started to think I’d like to go a training course in Holographic Kinetics as it had helped me more than anything else I’ve ever done….but I couldn’t afford it. As soon as I put the intention out, I received another unexpected windfall and found out it was exactly enough to cover the course!
So I registered on the 7 day course that Steve and Lisa were running in London and things have totally shifted since then. The actual course is so well put together and it was such an honour to witness the groundbreaking changes that were happening right in front of me. The training is delivered to such a high standard and it felt like we were in very safe and capable hands. I’m very excited about the possible applications of Holographic Kinetics and the broad spectrum of issues it can assist with. It’s an honour to have been taught by Steve and Lisa where the teaching quality is world class.
Just 2 weeks after the HK course, I found the perfect house in the countryside which I’d been looking for since a year – it was literally like all my intentions have come to pass and my reality was shifting to accommodate my dreams which were in alignment with my Spirit.
This modality continues to astound me, daily, where it’s been so magical to be able to tune into my Spirit and feel more of a sense of alignment. Since I have been trusting this inner guidance more, I have felt more alive than I ever have. The insights and lessons I have received have been coming thick and fast and I feel I have learned more in the past 6 months than my whole life or any lifetime. One of the best aspects to all this has been observing the changes that are happening not just with me, but with my close family. Some of the work that I have done through HK has helped clear some ancestral trauma going back through the genetic line, so I am observing changes in my family through the work I have done. At first this seemed a bit ‘far out’ to me but there is no denying that this work has reverberated through to my family in a positive and transformational way. Even my Mum and my sister (who were quite sceptical about this sort of thing before) both went for a session with Sally as they had noticed such huge changes in me. So we have been healing as a family which has greatly accelerated my own healing journey as it has brought us closer together.
I am so grateful to Steve, Lisa, Sally and everyone I have met through Holographic Kinetics. And Spirit of course for helping guide me here after many years of hapless wandering! If there is anyone reading this with any mental health issues (as this is how it has helped me) and you are considering a session and feel ready to make some big changes, just go for it! Your Spirit will thank you and it will be the biggest gift you could ever give yourself.
Avril Egan
Zirala Currie 15th July 2018
Hello Steve
Just wanting to share some feedback re holographic kinetic session I had with you on Monday 25 June, held at your house.
I recall saying to you that I feel stuck, there’s an inertia, like I am unable to move forward with anything. Well I am definitely moving forward now. Multiple opportunities are presenting themselves, I am meeting people and making new connections in a big way at present. It’s crazy…all feels right though. I am making the effort to get out there to make it happen. I’ve found some new opportunities for work as a nurse still, but in an environment that is much more to my liking (getting away from the hospital setting). People are more aware of me and I am sensing more appreciation from my current work colleagues. But most of all I have noticed a big shift internally.
Thank you so much for your healing session, it has assisted me greatly. I know you are a very busy man, I wanted to let you know your much appreciated for all that you do Steve. You took the time with me and did more than you normally do in a session.
Much love Zirala Currie
15th June 2018
My name is Chelsey and I am 18 years old.
I first ever met Kalka through my dad at gym. He would train my dad and I would be doing my own thing. Through time I ended up meeting Kalka and eventually training with him.
I mean at first, he’s a bit intimidating but he’s just a big soft bear ha ha. Training with Kalka is always so enjoyable and fun even though I would be sweating my bum off lol.
Okay, so I was introduced to “Anti-depressants” in grade 10, I was 14. I always thought the worst and everything was just so dull for me. For 3 years I suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts.
Every day I had to take this little pill that would take away this ‘pain’. I was not in a good place for a long time. I always had negative thoughts, put myself down constantly, I remember wishing I was happy, I missed that feeling. I felt so alone, so unhappy. I would rely so much on this medication to get me through things.
I have recently started working at the gym, and Kalka approached me regarding doing a Steve Richards Dreamtime healing using Holographic Kinetics. I was really intrigued about this. I was really wanting to get off of this medication, but I just couldn’t. I had a talk with my mum and we both agreed that this would be a good opportunity.
There were a few issues I wanted to address with Kalka… my weight, me feeling second best and my depression. I was remembering things from when I was little, that I honestly would not normally remember. Every single thing that I had said all linked together, it all made so much sense. To why I was feeling this way.
After the Dreamtime healing using Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka, I was able to get off the medication! I felt so much just lifted off my shoulders, I felt so much better. On the medication I felt like a zombie you could say, I felt trapped… but now, now I am 110% off them and I couldn’t have done it without the healing session Kalka did on me. I could not express enough how clear my thoughts and decisions are now.
Depression is never easy, I know that for a fact. Trust me. This healing has really helped me take a step forward in my life.
Chelsey Knight
I would like to say a big thank you to
Steve Richards & Lisa for a absolutely fantastic week & a big thank you to Kalka Mitchell who introduced me to Holographic Dream time healing & to all the people who participated in guiding us students , through the learning process this week
It was a week to remember. The knowledge was overwhelming. It was a privilege to have spent the week with with such amazing people.
Mr. Yoshida
14th may 2018
I have been dreaming same scary dreams very often. After the Holographic Kinetics session with Doctor Antoine, first of all, the content of the dream has changed. In the same scary dream, I was not scared any more and watching some other people scared.. Then next change was that I was scared but no longer running away and solved the problem for the first time. And after that, I never had this scary dream.
At the same time, when I watched the video of the man who was alcoholic but after Holographic Kinetics session, he had 1 beer a week, I could not believe it. But after the HK session, in 3-4 months, I no longer crave any alcohol and meat at all. And I got interested in taking care of my health. I started detoxing and feeling very well these days. HK changed my life for the better!! Thank you so much!!
Hoping you can use this,
30 April at 21:39
thanks Tom for having us on Saturday for practise group. I did a surrogate session for my dog who never liked being inside, never liked children, always barked at other dogs when she was on and off the lead and she was never apart of our family. after clearing her i came home to her being the first one to greet me at the door and then within minutes she was playing and licking my 3 year-old. she has never done that before. Violet now loves being indoors and loves cuddles and now she plays with my other dog and seems like she is a part of our family. HK worked instantly with my dog I can't believe it!!!.
Tom also did a session on my business which is a dog grooming salon. we worked on changing the intent of the salon and what I wanted from it. we worked on the bad reputation that it had and cleared it and also worked on the staff turnover.
the business entity didn't like the dark energy the previous owner had and the way he ran the business. he ran it like a production line.
we cleared this and wanted customers to regard it as a loving, caring, safe place for dogs to be in. I went into the salon today to check messages and had 7 out of 8 customer book their dogs in for next week. this was amazing as I generally had that amount of customers wanting to book in their dog for the very next day. my business after 2 days from the clearing is no longer a nook ur dog in the next day kinda business. HK I love you!!! so amazing to see changes within my business and my dog almost instantly
27th April 18
Benny had a mild heart attack whilst swallowing his tongue and went into convulsions smashing his head bleeding on the concrete at the gym one day.
I gave him first aid until two ambulances actually turned up
It was time for change for Benny these are his result:
30 kgs weight loss in record time.
50 years old.
Heart condition high blood pressure.
All numbers stabilized and in control.
It’s has been an amazing journey and I’m still continuing to see amazing results.
Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics the most powerful modality on the planet, the session I had with Kalka has helped me to get my life back on track helping me lose my excess weight, quit my packet a day smoking habit and assisted me to moved forward in my personal life. Thanks Kalka for all your help and support
I also have to say another amazing thing happened after my session. I have always been terrified of snakes. The morning after the session, a snake appeared at my back door of my house staring at me. For some reason I had no fear. I felt I could pick it up my whole body was completely calm. Now I’ve watched enough snake shows on TV to give it a go I thought. So I carefully pinned him down behind the neck with a stick and picked the snake up. It was the one most amazing feelings I’ve ever had.
Benny Defilippis
Bruce Anderson
4th April 18
I have known Kalka for a number years since meeting him at the gym where he approached me and gave me some advice on diet to lose weight as I was extremely overweight at the time. I left the gym that knowing it was time to really do something although I never went back to the gym he inspired me. About 6 months later after losing 44kg I started to go back to the gym. We became friends and even though Kalka now trains at another gym we still catch up.
Kalka told me one day he was a Practitioner of Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics. This intrigued me but was hesitant to discuss my problems with mainly because I had been sexually abused as a child. The day came when my best friend and training partner Wendy was going through a rough time and I suggested she see Kalka. So we both went to see him one morning for her to make an appointment for a session. I got up the courage to tell Kalka what had happened to me and made an appointment for a session as well. Since the session with Kalka, both Wendy and myself have found we are so much better as it was like a load had been lifted from our shoulders.
Then one day a good friend of mine daughter tried to commit suicide and had been put in the hospital under mental health laws by the police. I spoke to my friend about the session I had with Kalka. Shelley was very concerned about her daughter and we discussed bringing up here from Melbourne and getting her to see Kalka. Jess would not agree at first but wanted desperately to get out of the mental health unit she was in and after Kalka took the time to call Jess and her mum Shelley, she agreed to come to Queensland and have a Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session. Well what a reversal in this young girls outlook on life she has now completed a traffic controllers course and gained full time employment.
Bruce Anderson
20th April 18
I've lived with narcolepsy for nearly a decade and have been told over and over again that it is an incurable condition. It's affected every aspect of my life, and only massive amounts of stimulants like Adderall have mitigated its symptoms so that I can function at 75% efficiency. I've tried to treat it with everything from acupuncture to stem cell therapy, but nothing worked - until Doctor Antoine used Holographic Kinetics to treat me. I've been able to go nearly a week without stimulants so far and finally feel normal again. I have not felt so consistently energetic in a decade. I am extremely grateful to Doctor Antoine & Steve Richards for this miraculous treatment and look forward to finally accomplishing some of the goals I had written off due to my previously "incurable" condition!
Martin Worth
19th April 2018
My client who had cancer is now all clear.
I gave him two sessions. After the first session his pain subsided somewhat and he said he felt 'less full' in that area. He asked for a second session just prior to surgery.
During surgery the tumour was not apparent; they found some 'dead cells' and gave his prostrate a 'clean up'. He went to his oncologist two days ago; the prognosis is that his cancer has gone. No more treatment required. He has been scheduled for a check up in 6 months.
Thank you Spirit!!
Aleish Meurs
24th March 18
Last year in July I had a healing done using Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics to address some things I just kept doing. I was stuck and couldn’t break the habit.
I needed it to change. I wanted to find me the real me the happy loving mum I knew I could be instead of this emotional wreck that no matter how the day went I would always end up crying hating my life when I should be loving it.
I finally decided that I was done and I wanted something more. The Dreamtime Healing Using Holographic Kinetics session truly changed my life that much I organised a sessions for my son.
Ever since he was a baby he was always unsettled and never slept even as he got older it never really changed, it just got worse.
By the age of 4, he was banned from day care as he was classed as a danger to people around him. When he would get tired or things just got too overwhelming he would lash out kick, scream, throw things and put holes in the walls. During this time he wasn’t present you couldn’t talk reason or try to find the problem he would continue till he just clicked out of it.
Since the session there is a difference in him. He seems happier and more at peace. There hasn’t been any meltdowns or aggressive behavior. It’s amazing. Just to see the way he smiles now you can tell he is not the same boy he was a couple of weeks ago.
1st march 2018
I came down with pain in my lower back and was having abdomen pains as well. I went to see a doctor and she gave me a pelvic examination. She saw a big lump with a lesion and a very inflamed cervix I saw this on screen and I wasn’t happy at all. It didn’t look very good at all. The doctor said it looks malignant she said quite a few women are coming in with cervical cancer now. I went home with a heavy heart knowing that my cousin had died of it. I decided to see Ivo who does Holographic Kinetics so I booked for a session. Three days later after the session I had a vision or a dream that the whole growth left my body. I actually saw it leaving .. I just had a bit of cramping I saw the spirit of it So I went back to see the doctor again and she was amazed it was all gone everything clear. Results came back normal cervical cells . it was like nothing had happened. I was so happy I highly recommend HK I have been to a lot of healers but this healing modality is truly amazing.
Steve Richards
13th march 18
I have not had any anxiety since my treatment. I am soo happy. Thank you from the bottom of my soul. You are truly magical.
Xx Lou
Cassidy Grumball
feb 2018
I am a 10 year old boy so my mum is helping me write this. My problem was that I would seek reactions from people in a negative way. I would be having great fun stirring trouble and not even notice that the people around me were annoyed and angry. Sometimes they would be crying & hurt but I was having fun so I would keep going.
As I got bigger and stronger, I was getting more dangerous to myself and others. Sometimes my mum would have to lock herself & my little brother away for safety.
Mum would try to calm me down but my behaviours were so strong that I couldn't stop it. Mum called it Cyclone Cassidy.
I had been put on Ritalin for ADHD but that didn't help. Mum also changed my diet to exclude artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. This helped a bit with my school work but the cyclonic behaviours were still happening.
Mum told me about Holographic Kinetics and I agreed to try it. I had one session with Tim and the cyclonic behaviour has not returned since. That was a year ago and I like not getting into trouble all the time.
Cassidy Grumball
Perth, Western Australia
1-Had an interesting session yesterday with a young girl who has had a terrible burning cough and guts for 6 months tried all sorts of things. Went back to a party where she saw some friends snorting cocaine . This triggered a past life ( last life) where she was a drug dealer pimp who was doing cocaine with some young girls and one of them overdosed and died. He (she now ) took on the spirit and her burning sensation cough frothing at mouth from the spirit. Took the spirit out and it instantly stopped. Steve Richards has directly and now indirectly through all of us practitioners around the world helped so many people where nothing else can. Just awesome. Thanks for creating this Steve ⭐️
Kiley Dell'Amico
Feb 8, 2018
I’m an 18 year old college student who went to see Doctor Antoine for my anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. I have had many experiences in my life which caused me to dissociate and I’ve been looking for a solution for four years. My Holographic Kinetics session with Doctor Antoine was incredible and for the first time in a while I was anxiety free. My fears of flying and driving lessened greatly. I recommend the Holographic Kinetics treatment for anybody who struggles with any kind of mental disorder or drug dependency. This treatment worked better for my depression and anxiety than any medications I have tried as well.
Kiley Dell'Amico
Angie Grumball
Perth, Western Australia
3 February 2018
All my life I had struggled with extreme daydreaming. I couldn't seem to snap out of it, I would get totally stuck in a daydream state. I would move & speak in slow motion.
Doctors diagnosed me with Manic Depression when I was 16 before changing the diagnosis to Passive ADHD at the age of 21. After 18 years on Dexamphetamines and anti-depressants, I heard about Holographic Kinetics and decided to try it. My life changed for the better after one session with Lisa.
The day after my session, I spoke to family & friends about my experience and they all noticed that my speech is no longer slow. I'm not stopping mid sentence to allow my brain to catch up or forgetting what I'm talking about half way through a sentence. I'm not moving in slow motion either. When I do daydream, I'm able to recognize that it's happening and get myself out of it.
Since getting off the medication, I have gained much more control over my body and energy. I didn't even realize how much the medication was controlling me.
Holographic Kinetics didn't just help me fix my problem, it also allowed me to realize how my own thought processes have created problems within my body and in my life.
I now recommend Holographic Kinetics to anybody who will listen and I have begun my journey to become a practitioner.
I thank Steve Richards for showing me and many others a better way to deal with our issues.
1st May 2018
I am a Bidjara, Kairi woman with ties to Badu Island in the Torres Straits. I am 45 years old with two children aged 16 and 14.
I have been overweight all my life from a sedentary lifestyle and was always trying to lose weight. With a family history of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma and high blood pressure, I knew I had to look after my health. I lost my Dad to cancer when I was 13 and my mother at 20. Mum was only 59 when diabetes claimed her life along with many other relatives in our families.
In 2008, I was diagnosed with depression after having a relapse of grief due to my mother’s death. Following this, I went through a terrible time at work where I had a mental breakdown, my antidepressant medication was doubled, I developed anxiety, sleep problems and became a heavy drinker. My depression was at all time low and whilst I never gave up on myself, I came close to it.
In November 2014, I was sent a friend request on Facebook by a person named Kalka Mitchell, a personal trainer. I decided to take the plunge and message Kalka asked him if I could come see him.
With my busy life and work commitments it wasn’t until July I saw Kalka, weighing 92.6kg and on a cocktail of prescription drugs for anxiety, depression and sleeping problems. I was desperate and at my biggest.
I couldn’t walk my dog for 20 minutes before experiencing painful shin splints. Gradually, I worked myself up to walking 40 minutes a day, six days a week. I lost 8 kilos in the first month and then Kalka encouraged me to do the 12-week challenge. With his support and guidance, I went on to lose another 19 kilos, I was blown away by the method of training and my shrinking body. I had never felt so alive and was astounded by my new love for exercise that I was driving 6 days a week to Morayfield from Tingalpa to train.
I now weigh a healthy 52kg and have maintained this for nearly two years. I struggle with the attention of being an inspiration though it is truly an honour to be seen as a positive person in people’s lives.
Following my weight loss, I then discovered Steve Richards’ Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics. It has enabled me to make the changes I dreamt of for so long. My first Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka assisted me to accept the loss of my mother and as a result, I finally stopped self-medicating with drugs and alcohol after 24 years as I let go of the trauma of my grief and this has also contributed to the success of keeping the weight off. Seeing this remarkable change in my life led me to complete Steve Richards’ Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics course and become a practitioner under the training of Steve Richards’ guidance. I continue to attend courses regularly, make changes in my life as well as assist others to. I want to continue my peoples' legacy of being the longest surviving race in this world.
Lesley Acres (nee Ahwang)
7 April 2018
Thank you so much Steve for an incredible week of HK. Such a fantastic opportunity to enhance our skills as practitioners. I am in awe every time I have the privilege to take part in a course. Lisa, as always, there to guide us through every step of the way, with kindness and patience! And of course Sally, she is our shining star here in the UK.
What an incredible family we are as we grow and expand! Welcome to our new lovely members here in the UK Daniel and Avril.
Follow up report.
I did an HK session for a young man 2 years ago who had done a few years jail time for crack, been out of jail and off it a while, then returned to using crack.
I had witnessed him chasing after a car on foot screaming and threatening to kill the driver a few days before I facilitated the HK session for him. His wife had asked him to move out and his 2 young boys were terrified of him.
I am thrilled to report I have just seen and talked with this young man. He is doing very well 2 yrs later!
He gave me a he hug and thanked me for helping him.
I got to spend a bit of time with his family. He and his wife are happy together, he is a GREAT father, and he's working full time. It was a real treat to see his boys laughing and playing and hanging on him.
Saying 'thank you' Steve, hardly feels sufficient to express the respect and gratitude I have for you and HK.
Dearest Morgaine,
22 January 2018
I feel so much better. My body is much more peaceful. The electric sensations have stopped and the legions are not multiplying as they did, instead they are drying and healing.
I had a very special day yesterday and was approached by 2 women who had much to share with me and I allowed the approach.
The emotional words I remember were unapproachable, and persecuted and I do not remember the third one, perhaps you can remind me.
Our conversation and session has been of immense value to me, and I wish to thank you with all my heart. you are a kind and capable woman Morgaine, a great combination.
I'll be in touch about you March seminar and leave BC tomorrow, sending love and gratitude,
love Erin
Lori Shockley
30th November 2017
We have Lori Shockley. She received 3 Holographic Kinetics sessions for different issues and she is blown away. She wants to help and assist us getting Holographic Kinetics mainstream. She sees the potential for mankind. She would love to make documentary on how Holographic Kinetics is turning suicide around in Australia, about you, the Australian aborigines and Their culture.
We also have Grace the wife of the one of the most talented famous actor in the world, who is also very interested to come for HK class with us in Australia and learn more about you and the aborigines. She believes that on her father side, Australian aborigines blood. She wants her very famous husband on board for documentary on HK / Autism and HK / suicide. He is receptive to the idea. He saw the HK results in the relationship with his wife and son. She had, according to her, 60% improvement in her relationship with her husband after one HK session and their autistic son is showing, according to her, 20% improvement after one session.
Lots of potential here to get Holographic Kinetics mainstream which is what you said you wanted last time during the HK Florida class.
My intention is to assist help you manifesting your vision .... Holographic Kinetics is the #1 mental health modality in the world.
Regarding the expos, my intention is the same... assist help the best I can, my fellow HK metaphysical brothers and sisters to HK business entity grows with a very good reputation.
Doctor Antoine Chevalier
October 2017
I was introduced to Kalka in October 2017 by a loving & caring man called Bruce Anderson when my daughter Jess had hit rock bottom & had attempted suicide on a number of occasions. At this time she had been admitted to Geelong Hospital into the Psychiatric Ward and to be blatantly honest I thought it was only a matter of time before she was successful with taking her own life.
If it weren’t for the Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session Kalka did on my daughter Jess, I honestly believe my beautiful blonde haired daughter would not be here today.
Jess in a few short months has completely turned her life around, she can see a future. She can still have her down days but she is able to get herself out of those days & move on to happier, healthier thoughts.
My own Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics session with Kalka took me to a place where I finally addressed the sadness and emptiness that I felt losing my daughter, stepdaughter, grandfather & grandmother and that I wasn’t to blame.
In wrapping up, I will never have the words to express to Kalka for using this powerful modality to assist us in making the changes we now experience in our lives.
Shelley xxxx
Kathi Burns Britton
11 december 2017
Hi...Heard back from this client (Ian McP, 25) with the report of good results. He said he got benefit from the session and, after a few days of feeling "weird", he then experienced being more present, in control of his own life and feeling positive about his future. He said that he liked working with me, felt there was more to do and expressed desire and intent for more Holographic Kinetics in the next few weeks. It is my intent to get more young people understanding LORE and turned onto HK.
Also, I did a session a while back with a friend who was experiencing bouts with Leukemia, amongst other things, and she just informed me that her most recent scan showed significant change, which she credited to the session.
Thank you, Steve. I am grateful for this work!
Kathi Burns Britton
-Heather Martin
"I went to Ceth for my first Holographic Kinetics session because I had been suffering with extreme social anxiety that I was diagnosed with several years ago. It was so bad I had to quit my career of 15 years, and refused contact with all my friends and family for 6 months. I also had been battling with excessive alcohol consumption for about 30 years, and couldn't enjoy simple activities in life without alcohol. I also had a desire to quit smoking cigarettes, which had become a $300 a month habit.
After a few Holographic Kinetics sessions with Ceth, I was amazed that I was not only able to have conversations with strangers without any anxiety, but my desire to be social and spend time with friends and make new friends returned. Life became more joyful again with each session. After 30 years of near constant drinking, I actually have beer in my fridge that has been there for weeks, and I don't even think about it! I also no longer smoke cigarettes and the psychological desire to drink and smoke is gone. Although I have attempted to stop both drinking and smoking in the past, this is the first time I do not feel like I have had to give anything up."
Kristina Nott
21st November 2017
Hi Steve and Lisa
I found this my 7th course to be my favourite. I know I probably feel this every time! I never tire of listening and learning and perfecting this practice. All parts of the course were wonderful for me, the learnings, your and Lisa's teaching, the location and the group. I love being on the table, the practitioner and the helper.
So grateful to you both. I am keen to be part of further study and research. I feel my clients are having great results and walking away with new respect to their thoughts and how they have created their reality. Thank you again!
Cheers Kristina
November 2017
A few months ago I had a relapse of my depression. I had gone of my medications because I thought I no longer needed them. The depression came back and hit me hard. I felt terrible. Especially each morning. I even felt a strong sense of self-loathing which was not common to my depressions in the past.
I had worked with Doctor Antoine over the years for other physical aches and pains. I told him about how horrible I was feeling. He suggested we try a technique he ( had learnt called ) Holographic Kinetics. I must admit I was a bit skeptical. However, after the one (Holographic Kinetics ) session with Doctor Antoine my mood stabilized. At this point I do not experience the depression symptoms any more.
L.M. Bethesda
I was working on one of my acupuncture clients last week and we got talking. The subject of HK came up. A year earlier the client had bled for a whole year without stopping. She had tried everything and was at her witts end. A friend of hers recommended Steve and HK. Anyway, she had a HK session with Steve and two days later she stopped bleeding. The bleeding has not returned and she was very happy.
Just thought I would share.
Kathi Burns Britton
30th November 2017
Update on the 2 yr. old with asthma: After no return on my phone inquiry, I saw the dad in passing, and he said the little guy has not had anymore episodes!
11 July 207
I want to share a personal experience I had doing a surrogate session on myself that has really validated HK for me and my deepening connection with my Spirit.
I had been feeling fantastic - much has shifted for me since doing 2 courses, feeling much calmer and centered while setting up my clothing stall at a festival. (which would usually be a bit stressful) I did a session with my friend who had a migraine, with very good results but later that night after going to bed I had a very restless sleep, feeling overwhelmed and in the morning I felt drained, tired and anxious. Nervous energy and very unsettled.
So I decided to ask a friend to do a surrogate session on myself. He agreed. He has never had HK before, and this was the first time he had heard of it.
We went back to a dimension of time when I was 22 when I nearly drowned in the ocean after being dunked by 3 waves in very rough surf. I thought I was going to die!
It was very clear and came with the emotion 'unsettled'
I was amazed at the accuracy of this surrogate session, this was an exact recount of that experience I had at that age and I had never told him that story. I hope he is keen to do more work as he was a very good surrogate!
I felt so much better after the session, much calmer and centered in my core and a bit more light hearted.
I am so grateful to have these tools!
Thanks you so much Steve and the other teachers and spirit! for sharing this amazing modality and wisdom :)
15 August 2017
I would like to share something.
I was invited to do a mentoring session for a group of ten practitioners of different modalities.
They organised the whole thing.
They wanted me to share my life experiences and give some clarity to move forward in their life.
What I noticed this time in sharing of myself was so very different from the past when I was teaching.
The inner critic was no longer in my ear saying you're not good enough,there was no longer any self sabotage in place.
With HK,as I have integrated and understood the greater deeper teachings and understandings of HK I noticed how relaxed and free I felt and how very unafraid I was.
How in shifting what was blocking me and keeping me entrapped and small was no longer there to sabotage me and who I am .
I am my true authentic self.
Also I realised how advanced HK is once we really start to fully understand the full spectrum of HK,which is an ongoing learning.
Observing the practitioners and where they were at and me being the observer was very interesting and with no longer needing to prove myself or needing their approval was just somewhere I had never been before when teaching.
A very freeing experience so thank you Steve Richards
K Caldwell
Hi Steve its Jacquelyn my mothers treatment did her very well thank you she actually went off her blood pressure medication that day and hasn't been on it since... all in all my mom is doing awesome ...I wish my mom could do a follow up with you... I hope to get her to go again soon she loved it and the results thank you.
Kind regards Jacquelyn