Dreamtime Healing

Holographic Kinetics
An Advanced Aboriginal Healing Modality
Holographic Kinetics Practitioners
As we have over 1350 students in over 42 countries, we cannot fit all practitioners in and as Holographic Kinetics has a reputation for obtaining results, only upgraded students are below.
As we believe man is responsible for his, thought, word, deed and action, he must experience to understand his own creation, so we prefer not to surrogate adults, when it possible for them to see a practitioner, therefore we will only surrogate children and animals
Below are some of the students that have kept up to date with the latest progress & Research
new list coming soon
only updates students will appear on our latest list
QLD- Gold coast Steve Richards steve@holographickinetics.com
Gold coast Lisa Mackinnon lisamarie2790@gmail.com
Sunshine coast Julie Stower healthconcepts2@gmail.com
Morayfield Kalka Mitchell kalkatungawarrior2016@gmail.com
Tom Blake universalawareness9@gmail.com
Kylie Barr kyliebarr.hk@gmail.com
Nicole Holmes nicolemareeholmes@gmail.com
Fredrick Wilson wfredrick424@gmail.com
Ipswich Helena Lewis hilz_lewis@outlook.com
Natalie Sweeney TheSacredYou@proton.me
Redlands Bay Mathew McGill bnhs@bigpond.com
Redcliff Tanya Smith hktanyasmith@gmail.com
Tingalpa Lesley Acres lesley.acres@gmail.com
Cairns Iszac Walker iszac.walker@outlook.com
W.A- Perth Ivo Franich enquiry@smileagain.info
Margaret River Julie Devlin connecthealing369@gmail.com
Mandurah Jock Craig jock_craig@hotmail.com
Collaroy Joyce Bachtis joyceb@live.com.au
Byron Bay Natalie Petruszka beautifulspiritsong@gmail.com
Berry & Bowral Karen Woods karenwds@shoal.net.au
Blue mountains Melissah Commens melissahdangercommens@gmail.com
Coolatai to Sydney Jacque lenard jacquelynearth@live.com
Sydney/Wollongong Chris Plum chrisplum57@gmail.com
S,A- Adelaide Majette Danowicz majette7@gmail.com
Dee Swan deedeelite@hotmail.com
ACT Curtin Therese Pettit therese.pettit2010@hotmail.com
Vic - Melbourne Vanessa Mavrikos vanessamavrikos@gmail.com
Tasmania Geofry Dunn g.dunlop@iinet.net.au
New Zealand
Auckland Jim Hartley js1hartley@yahoo.com
Lincoln Gwen Grelet gwen.grelet@gmail.com
Washington state Gig Harbor Barbara J. Loveless lovelessinbrinnon@gmail.com
Montana Polson jeana clifford jeannaclifford@gmail.com
Alabama Pelham Salle Redfield (Sara) sredfield@me.com
New Jersey Montvale Sal Mastroeni smastr01@me.com
Pittsburgh Caroline Tibbett cjtibb@gmail.com
Pennsylvania Plymouth Maureen grivnovics mgrivnovic@aol.com
Iowa Fairfield Kathi Burns Britton kbbHK@iCloud.com
Toronto Gabriela wilkon gwilkon@yahoo.ca
Vancouver Morgaine Owens connect@pure-light-studio.com
Cindy May cindymay@cindymay.com
Langley Jessie trotic jtrotic2@yahoo.ca
New Brunswick Kathryn A Deniverville kdeniverville@hotmail.com
UK ( Kent) Sally carysforth -- sally@freetoflow.co.uk
Ipswich Andy Mackay ul_heal@protonmail.com
Whitstable (kent) Dan Lee whitstablehk@gmail.com
Frampton, Dorset Steph Thomas stephthommen@gmail.com
Natalija Kostanjevac natalija.kostanjevac@gmail.com
France Jessica blean jessthrives@yahoo.com
Eve Colettis evecolettis@yahoo.fr
Germany- Annegret Torspecken torspecken@gmail.com
Holland Crystal Nathal light7soul@gmail.com
Ireland Katrina Corey meteenie@hotmail.com
Israel Rosanna Alon spiritdancer61@icloud.com
Netherlands Tamara Ballieux tamara_ballieux@hotmail.com
Norway Tor Arild Hetland torhetland@yahoo.no
Mads John Ogard madsjohanogaard@gmail.com
Sweden Susan Cedguard susancedgard@telia.com
Spain Sonia Las holographickineticsusa@gmail.com
STH AMERICA Guatemala nicole piaz nicole.paiz.bradford@gmail.com
PERU Mauricio A Gonzales ninawaywa@hotmail.com
CHINA Hong Kong Klaus Frederickson klausfrederiksen@mac.com
DUBAI Jay Gra nt jay.grant@cavendishmaxwell.com
INDONESIA Bali Ben Richards seeded@live.com
INDIA Sabari Chakraborty beri555@yahoo.com
Sth Africa Johannesburg Vicky Barrett vixonbarratt@yahoo.co.uk
Due to changes of internet law and miss use of the previous list, that was below, this second group has been removed and as we are growing and have over 1550 students from over 42 countries, we cannot list all, there is now changes taking place to our system.
For a student near you, email;- steve@holographickinetics.com