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 Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics 

Ancestral Past

My Great Grandmother was taken away at the age of eight by the Aboriginal Protection agency and found, at the age of fourteen, in horse shackles behind the general store by a drover. He asked why she was in shackles and was told that she was uncontrollable and would run away at every chance she had. "What do you want for her?" he asked, and he ended up buying her for half the price of the skins he had just sold. She then become a "drovers boy" and died at the young age of fifteen, giving birth to my grandmother.

My Grandmother was raised on her fathers cattle station and had a good education, including religion, forced  upon her. But she was also taught by the Aboriginal maids, servants and gardeners, Elders and some clever-men that had taken her "under their wing" and--on the side--taught her all about the ancient past, including about what the "clever-men,"  as she would call them could do. I remember stories, which she passed down, of how some of the ancestors could walk across the ground without touching it, and how they knew things before they happened, including when visitors were coming-- prior to their arrival. I remember her telling me how they could speak to the spirits of the animals, trees, rocks, water and deceased ancestors and how some could move in and out of time.

Today I fully understand the reality of the above, including the cycles of time.

MY MOTHER never talked much about the ancestors, and I remember when I was 4 years old, she sat me down and asked, "how did you know your Nana would arrive at 11 am"? What had happened was we had a goat, and it would "butt" visitors  if it was loose in the back yard. I knew Nana was coming at 11 am, so from 7 am onwards, I asked mum about 15 times to tie up the goat, as nana would be arriving at 11 am. Mum kept telling me that Nana was not coming today, and I kept telling her she WAS and would  be arriving at 11 am. Well right on the dot of 11 am, in she came. I will always remember mum asking me, how I knew. This made me aware that I knew things--just like the stories of the past ancestors--I wanted to know more!

Then when I was about seven-years old, I remember mum and grandmother telling me that if anyone asks, you tell them your white; you remember to tell them your white! What a silly comment I thought; of course I am white--as at that time white was white, and black was as black as the ace of spades, and brown was a good tan of white; that was part of my education.

I later realized that they we attempting to protect us--as half cast and quarter cast children were still being taken away up until 1970's-- and the less we knew the better off we would be.

When I reached fifteen years of age,  my mother had died of cancer and the family went in different direction. I remember being a free spirit and lived off the streets in Sydney using my wits, and I always remember mum saying that if you want something in life, you have to manifest it and make it happen--this I learned to do.

By the time I reached twenty years of age, I could do "mind magic" similar to Hypnosis, bur beyond  as hypnosis accesses  and can change the programs of the Soul of a being. Today I don't use that any more, as i am not interested in the Soul, as I go far beyond that, by accessing the spirit of the being; the internal life force, the "one" that knows you more that you--it knows how, where, when and why any created reality was created, and can assist to change your created reality. The Spirit it is the life force, in all living things,. 

A greater awareness came about when I was at a party.  I put five people in an altered state and told them that they would see an orange tree grow before their eyes, and that it would have the most delicious oranges on it they had ever tried, and they would pick an orange off the tree, eat it and they would always remember the taste of that orange. People would come up to them and ask, "what was it like to eat something that doesn't exist" and they would comment, "Don't be stupid, I know what I ate!"

That made me realize how far down the "wrong track" mental health was heading, as that normally was classified as an illusion, but the fact is, for those five people, that was a reality and it was only an illusion for those that we not in that reality. I realized from that moment on, that no matter what is going on in the mind of a person, it is a reality and we must understand how to access those dimensions of reality.

I then headed down a different road that led to the creation of Holographic Kinetics--the science behind Dreamtime Healing--and how to assist to access and change internally-created realities and other dimensions that can enter through the drugs, alcohol, medication, and many other ways, I never expected that my spirit would take me into the areas it has taken me, I am proud of who I am and where i came from,  The Universe is constantly teaching me more about itself and  its creation and how it can manifest change to external and internal realities.

Founder & Creator of HOLOGRAPHIC KINETICS Steve Richards 



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